home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* vi:set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4:
- *
- * VIM - Vi IMproved by Bram Moolenaar
- *
- * Do ":help uganda" in Vim to read a list of people who contributed.
- * Do ":help credits" in Vim to see a list of people who contributed.
- * See README.txt for an overview of the Vim source code.
- */
- #include "vim.h"
- #ifdef HAVE_FCNTL_H
- # include <fcntl.h> /* for chdir() */
- #endif
- static int path_is_url __ARGS((char_u *p));
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
- static int win_split_ins __ARGS((int size, int flags, win_T *newwin, int dir));
- static int win_comp_pos __ARGS((void));
- static void frame_comp_pos __ARGS((frame_T *topfrp, int *row, int *col));
- static void frame_setheight __ARGS((frame_T *curfrp, int height));
- static void frame_setwidth __ARGS((frame_T *curfrp, int width));
- #endif
- static void win_exchange __ARGS((long));
- static void win_rotate __ARGS((int, int));
- static void win_totop __ARGS((int size, int flags));
- static void win_equal_rec __ARGS((win_T *next_curwin, frame_T *topfr, int dir, int col, int row, int width, int height));
- static win_T *winframe_remove __ARGS((win_T *win, int *dirp));
- static frame_T *win_altframe __ARGS((win_T *win));
- static win_T *frame2win __ARGS((frame_T *frp));
- static int frame_has_win __ARGS((frame_T *frp, win_T *wp));
- static void frame_new_height __ARGS((frame_T *topfrp, int height, int topfirst));
- static void frame_add_statusline __ARGS((frame_T *frp));
- static void frame_new_width __ARGS((frame_T *topfrp, int width, int leftfirst));
- static void frame_add_vsep __ARGS((frame_T *frp));
- static int frame_minwidth __ARGS((frame_T *topfrp, win_T *next_curwin));
- static void frame_fix_width __ARGS((win_T *wp));
- #endif
- static void frame_fix_height __ARGS((win_T *wp));
- static int frame_minheight __ARGS((frame_T *topfrp, win_T *next_curwin));
- static void win_enter_ext __ARGS((win_T *wp, int undo_sync, int no_curwin));
- static void win_free __ARGS((win_T *wp));
- static void win_append __ARGS((win_T *, win_T *));
- static void win_remove __ARGS((win_T *));
- static void frame_append __ARGS((frame_T *after, frame_T *frp));
- static void frame_insert __ARGS((frame_T *before, frame_T *frp));
- static void frame_remove __ARGS((frame_T *frp));
- static void win_new_width __ARGS((win_T *wp, int width));
- static int win_minheight __ARGS((win_T *wp));
- static void win_goto_ver __ARGS((int up, long count));
- static void win_goto_hor __ARGS((int left, long count));
- #endif
- static void frame_add_height __ARGS((frame_T *frp, int n));
- static void last_status_rec __ARGS((frame_T *fr, int statusline));
- static void make_snapshot __ARGS((void));
- static void make_snapshot_rec __ARGS((frame_T *fr, frame_T **frp));
- static void clear_snapshot __ARGS((void));
- static void clear_snapshot_rec __ARGS((frame_T *fr));
- static void restore_snapshot __ARGS((int close_curwin));
- static int check_snapshot_rec __ARGS((frame_T *sn, frame_T *fr));
- static win_T *restore_snapshot_rec __ARGS((frame_T *sn, frame_T *fr));
- static win_T *prevwin = NULL; /* previous window */
- #endif /* FEAT_WINDOWS */
- static void win_setheight_win __ARGS((int height, win_T *win));
- static win_T *win_alloc __ARGS((win_T *after));
- static void win_new_height __ARGS((win_T *, int));
- #define URL_SLASH 1 /* path_is_url() has found "://" */
- #define URL_BACKSLASH 2 /* path_is_url() has found ":\\" */
- #define NOWIN (win_T *)-1 /* non-exisiting window */
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * all CTRL-W window commands are handled here, called from normal_cmd().
- */
- void
- do_window(nchar, Prenum)
- int nchar;
- long Prenum;
- {
- long Prenum1;
- win_T *wp;
- int xchar;
- #if defined(FEAT_SEARCHPATH) || defined(FEAT_FIND_ID)
- char_u *ptr;
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_FIND_ID
- int type = FIND_DEFINE;
- int len;
- #endif
- if (Prenum == 0)
- Prenum1 = 1;
- else
- Prenum1 = Prenum;
- #ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN
- # define CHECK_CMDWIN if (cmdwin_type != 0) { EMSG(_(e_cmdwin)); break; }
- #else
- # define CHECK_CMDWIN
- #endif
- switch (nchar)
- {
- /* split current window in two parts, horizontally */
- case 'S':
- case Ctrl_S:
- case 's':
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- win_split((int)Prenum, 0);
- break;
- /* split current window in two parts, vertically */
- case Ctrl_V:
- case 'v':
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- win_split((int)Prenum, WSP_VERT);
- break;
- #endif
- /* split current window and edit alternate file */
- case Ctrl_HAT:
- case '^':
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- stuffReadbuff((char_u *)":split #");
- if (Prenum)
- stuffnumReadbuff(Prenum); /* buffer number */
- stuffcharReadbuff('\n');
- break;
- /* open new window */
- case Ctrl_N:
- case 'n':
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- stuffcharReadbuff(':');
- if (Prenum)
- stuffnumReadbuff(Prenum); /* window height */
- stuffReadbuff((char_u *)"new\n");
- break;
- /* quit current window */
- case Ctrl_Q:
- case 'q':
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- stuffReadbuff((char_u *)":quit\n");
- break;
- /* close current window */
- case Ctrl_C:
- case 'c':
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- stuffReadbuff((char_u *)":close\n");
- break;
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
- /* close preview window */
- case Ctrl_Z:
- case 'z':
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- stuffReadbuff((char_u *)":pclose\n");
- break;
- /* cursor to preview window */
- case 'P':
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
- if (wp->w_p_pvw)
- break;
- if (wp == NULL)
- EMSG(_("E441: There is no preview window"));
- else
- win_goto(wp);
- break;
- #endif
- /* close all but current window */
- case Ctrl_O:
- case 'o':
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- stuffReadbuff((char_u *)":only\n");
- break;
- /* cursor to next window with wrap around */
- case Ctrl_W:
- case 'w':
- /* cursor to previous window with wrap around */
- case 'W':
- if (lastwin == firstwin) /* just one window */
- beep_flush();
- else
- {
- if (Prenum) /* go to specified window */
- {
- for (wp = firstwin; --Prenum > 0; )
- {
- if (wp->w_next == NULL)
- break;
- else
- wp = wp->w_next;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (nchar == 'W') /* go to previous window */
- {
- wp = curwin->w_prev;
- if (wp == NULL)
- wp = lastwin; /* wrap around */
- }
- else /* go to next window */
- {
- wp = curwin->w_next;
- if (wp == NULL)
- wp = firstwin; /* wrap around */
- }
- }
- win_goto(wp);
- }
- break;
- /* cursor to window below */
- case 'j':
- case K_DOWN:
- case Ctrl_J:
- win_goto_ver(FALSE, Prenum1);
- #else
- for (wp = curwin; wp->w_next != NULL && Prenum1-- > 0;
- wp = wp->w_next)
- ;
- win_goto(wp);
- #endif
- break;
- /* cursor to window above */
- case 'k':
- case K_UP:
- case Ctrl_K:
- win_goto_ver(TRUE, Prenum1);
- #else
- for (wp = curwin; wp->w_prev != NULL && Prenum1-- > 0;
- wp = wp->w_prev)
- ;
- win_goto(wp);
- #endif
- break;
- /* cursor to left window */
- case 'h':
- case K_LEFT:
- case Ctrl_H:
- case K_BS:
- win_goto_hor(TRUE, Prenum1);
- break;
- /* cursor to right window */
- case 'l':
- case K_RIGHT:
- case Ctrl_L:
- win_goto_hor(FALSE, Prenum1);
- break;
- #endif
- /* cursor to top-left window */
- case 't':
- case Ctrl_T:
- win_goto(firstwin);
- break;
- /* cursor to bottom-right window */
- case 'b':
- case Ctrl_B:
- win_goto(lastwin);
- break;
- /* cursor to last accessed (previous) window */
- case 'p':
- case Ctrl_P:
- if (prevwin == NULL)
- beep_flush();
- else
- win_goto(prevwin);
- break;
- /* exchange current and next window */
- case 'x':
- case Ctrl_X:
- win_exchange(Prenum);
- break;
- /* rotate windows downwards */
- case Ctrl_R:
- case 'r':
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- win_rotate(FALSE, (int)Prenum1); /* downwards */
- break;
- /* rotate windows upwards */
- case 'R':
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- win_rotate(TRUE, (int)Prenum1); /* upwards */
- break;
- /* move window to the very top/bottom/left/right */
- case 'K':
- case 'J':
- case 'H':
- case 'L':
- #endif
- win_totop((int)Prenum,
- ((nchar == 'H' || nchar == 'L') ? WSP_VERT : 0)
- | ((nchar == 'H' || nchar == 'K') ? WSP_TOP : WSP_BOT));
- break;
- /* make all windows the same height */
- case '=':
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- win_equal(NULL, 0);
- break;
- /* increase current window height */
- case '+':
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- win_setheight(curwin->w_height + (int)Prenum1);
- break;
- /* decrease current window height */
- case '-':
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- win_setheight(curwin->w_height - (int)Prenum1);
- break;
- /* set current window height */
- case Ctrl__:
- case '_':
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- win_setheight(Prenum ? (int)Prenum : 9999);
- break;
- /* increase current window width */
- case '>':
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- win_setwidth(curwin->w_width + (int)Prenum1);
- break;
- /* decrease current window width */
- case '<':
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- win_setwidth(curwin->w_width - (int)Prenum1);
- break;
- /* set current window width */
- case '|':
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- win_setwidth(Prenum != 0 ? (int)Prenum : 9999);
- break;
- #endif
- /* jump to tag and split window if tag exists (in preview window) */
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
- case '}':
- if (Prenum)
- g_do_tagpreview = Prenum;
- else
- g_do_tagpreview = p_pvh;
- #endif
- case ']':
- case Ctrl_RSB:
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- if (Prenum)
- postponed_split = Prenum;
- else
- postponed_split = -1;
- stuffcharReadbuff(Ctrl_RSB);
- break;
- /* edit file name under cursor in a new window */
- case 'f':
- case Ctrl_F:
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- ptr = file_name_at_cursor(FNAME_MESS|FNAME_HYP|FNAME_EXP,
- Prenum1);
- if (ptr != NULL)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- setpcmark();
- if (win_split(0, 0) == OK)
- (void)do_ecmd(0, ptr, NULL, NULL, ECMD_LASTL,
- vim_free(ptr);
- }
- break;
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_FIND_ID
- /* Go to the first occurence of the identifier under cursor along path in a
- * new window -- webb
- */
- case 'i': /* Go to any match */
- case Ctrl_I:
- type = FIND_ANY;
- case 'd': /* Go to definition, using 'define' */
- case Ctrl_D:
- if ((len = find_ident_under_cursor(&ptr, FIND_IDENT)) == 0)
- break;
- find_pattern_in_path(ptr, 0, len, TRUE,
- Prenum == 0 ? TRUE : FALSE, type,
- Prenum1, ACTION_SPLIT, (linenr_T)1, (linenr_T)MAXLNUM);
- curwin->w_set_curswant = TRUE;
- break;
- #endif
- /* CTRL-W g extended commands */
- case 'g':
- case Ctrl_G:
- dont_scroll = TRUE; /* disallow scrolling here */
- #endif
- ++no_mapping;
- ++allow_keys; /* no mapping for xchar, but allow key codes */
- xchar = safe_vgetc();
- #endif
- --no_mapping;
- --allow_keys;
- (void)add_to_showcmd(xchar);
- #endif
- switch (xchar)
- {
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) && defined(FEAT_QUICKFIX)
- case '}':
- xchar = Ctrl_RSB;
- if (Prenum)
- g_do_tagpreview = Prenum;
- else
- g_do_tagpreview = p_pvh;
- #endif
- case ']':
- case Ctrl_RSB:
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- reset_VIsual_and_resel(); /* stop Visual mode */
- #endif
- if (Prenum)
- postponed_split = Prenum;
- else
- postponed_split = -1;
- stuffcharReadbuff('g');
- stuffcharReadbuff(xchar);
- break;
- default:
- beep_flush();
- break;
- }
- break;
- default: beep_flush();
- break;
- }
- }
- /*
- * split the current window, implements CTRL-W s and :split
- *
- * "size" is the height or width for the new window, 0 to use half of current
- * height or width.
- *
- * "flags":
- * WSP_ROOM: require enough room for new window
- * WSP_VERT: vertical split.
- * WSP_TOP: open window at the top-left of the shell (help window).
- * WSP_BOT: open window at the bottom-right of the shell (quickfix window).
- * WSP_HELP: creating the help window, keep layout snapshot
- *
- * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
- */
- int
- win_split(size, flags)
- int size;
- int flags;
- {
- /* Add flags from ":vertical", ":topleft" and ":botright". */
- flags |= cmdmod.split;
- if ((flags & WSP_TOP) && (flags & WSP_BOT))
- {
- EMSG(_("E442: Can't split topleft and botright at the same time"));
- return FAIL;
- }
- /* When creating the help window make a snapshot of the window layout.
- * Otherwise clear the snapshot, it's now invalid. */
- if (flags & WSP_HELP)
- make_snapshot();
- else
- clear_snapshot();
- return win_split_ins(size, flags, NULL, 0);
- }
- /*
- * When "newwin" is NULL: split a window in two.
- * When "newwin" is not NULL: insert this window at the far
- * top/left/right/bottom.
- * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
- */
- static int
- win_split_ins(size, flags, newwin, dir)
- int size;
- int flags;
- win_T *newwin;
- int dir;
- {
- win_T *wp = newwin;
- win_T *oldwin;
- int new_size = size;
- int i;
- int need_status = 0;
- int do_equal = FALSE;
- int needed;
- int available;
- int oldwin_height = 0;
- int layout;
- frame_T *frp, *curfrp;
- int before;
- if (flags & WSP_TOP)
- oldwin = firstwin;
- else if (flags & WSP_BOT)
- oldwin = lastwin;
- else
- oldwin = curwin;
- /* add a status line when p_ls == 1 and splitting the first window */
- if (lastwin == firstwin && p_ls == 1 && oldwin->w_status_height == 0)
- {
- if (oldwin->w_height <= p_wmh && newwin == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_noroom));
- return FAIL;
- }
- need_status = STATUS_HEIGHT;
- }
- if (flags & WSP_VERT)
- {
- layout = FR_ROW;
- do_equal = (p_ea && new_size == 0 && *p_ead != 'v');
- /*
- * Check if we are able to split the current window and compute its
- * width.
- */
- needed = p_wmw + 1;
- if (flags & WSP_ROOM)
- needed += p_wiw - p_wmw;
- if (p_ea || (flags & (WSP_BOT | WSP_TOP)))
- {
- available = topframe->fr_width;
- needed += frame_minwidth(topframe, NULL);
- }
- else
- available = oldwin->w_width;
- if (available < needed && newwin == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_noroom));
- return FAIL;
- }
- if (new_size == 0)
- new_size = oldwin->w_width / 2;
- if (new_size > oldwin->w_width - p_wmw - 1)
- new_size = oldwin->w_width - p_wmw - 1;
- if (new_size < p_wmw)
- new_size = p_wmw;
- /* if it doesn't fit in the current window, need win_equal() */
- if (oldwin->w_width - new_size - 1 < p_wmw)
- do_equal = TRUE;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- layout = FR_COL;
- do_equal = (p_ea && new_size == 0
- && *p_ead != 'h'
- #endif
- );
- /*
- * Check if we are able to split the current window and compute its
- * height.
- */
- needed = p_wmh + STATUS_HEIGHT + need_status;
- if (flags & WSP_ROOM)
- needed += p_wh - p_wmh;
- if (p_ea || (flags & (WSP_BOT | WSP_TOP)))
- {
- available = topframe->fr_height;
- needed += frame_minheight(topframe, NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- available = oldwin->w_height;
- needed += p_wmh;
- }
- if (available < needed && newwin == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_noroom));
- return FAIL;
- }
- oldwin_height = oldwin->w_height;
- if (need_status)
- {
- oldwin->w_status_height = STATUS_HEIGHT;
- oldwin_height -= STATUS_HEIGHT;
- }
- if (new_size == 0)
- new_size = oldwin_height / 2;
- if (new_size > oldwin_height - p_wmh - STATUS_HEIGHT)
- new_size = oldwin_height - p_wmh - STATUS_HEIGHT;
- if (new_size < p_wmh)
- new_size = p_wmh;
- /* if it doesn't fit in the current window, need win_equal() */
- if (oldwin_height - new_size - STATUS_HEIGHT < p_wmh)
- do_equal = TRUE;
- /* We don't like to take lines for the new window from a quickfix
- * or preview window. Take them from a window above or below
- * instead, if possible. */
- if (bt_quickfix(oldwin->w_buffer) || oldwin->w_p_pvw)
- {
- win_setheight_win(oldwin->w_height + new_size, oldwin);
- oldwin_height = oldwin->w_height;
- if (need_status)
- oldwin_height -= STATUS_HEIGHT;
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * allocate new window structure and link it in the window list
- */
- if ((flags & WSP_TOP) == 0
- && ((flags & WSP_BOT)
- || (flags & WSP_BELOW)
- || (!(flags & WSP_ABOVE)
- && (
- (flags & WSP_VERT) ? p_spr :
- #endif
- p_sb))))
- {
- /* new window below/right of current one */
- if (newwin == NULL)
- wp = win_alloc(oldwin);
- else
- win_append(oldwin, wp);
- }
- else
- {
- if (newwin == NULL)
- wp = win_alloc(oldwin->w_prev);
- else
- win_append(oldwin->w_prev, wp);
- }
- if (newwin == NULL)
- {
- if (wp == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- /*
- * make the contents of the new window the same as the current one
- */
- wp->w_buffer = curbuf;
- curbuf->b_nwindows++;
- wp->w_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;
- wp->w_valid = 0;
- wp->w_curswant = curwin->w_curswant;
- wp->w_set_curswant = curwin->w_set_curswant;
- wp->w_topline = curwin->w_topline;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- wp->w_topfill = curwin->w_topfill;
- #endif
- wp->w_leftcol = curwin->w_leftcol;
- wp->w_pcmark = curwin->w_pcmark;
- wp->w_prev_pcmark = curwin->w_prev_pcmark;
- wp->w_alt_fnum = curwin->w_alt_fnum;
- wp->w_fraction = curwin->w_fraction;
- wp->w_prev_fraction_row = curwin->w_prev_fraction_row;
- copy_jumplist(curwin, wp);
- #endif
- if (curwin->w_localdir != NULL)
- wp->w_localdir = vim_strsave(curwin->w_localdir);
- /* Use the same argument list. */
- wp->w_alist = curwin->w_alist;
- ++wp->w_alist->al_refcount;
- wp->w_arg_idx = curwin->w_arg_idx;
- /*
- * copy tagstack and options from existing window
- */
- for (i = 0; i < curwin->w_tagstacklen; i++)
- {
- wp->w_tagstack[i] = curwin->w_tagstack[i];
- if (wp->w_tagstack[i].tagname != NULL)
- wp->w_tagstack[i].tagname =
- vim_strsave(wp->w_tagstack[i].tagname);
- }
- wp->w_tagstackidx = curwin->w_tagstackidx;
- wp->w_tagstacklen = curwin->w_tagstacklen;
- win_copy_options(curwin, wp);
- copyFoldingState(curwin, wp);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Reorganise the tree of frames to insert the new window.
- */
- if (flags & (WSP_TOP | WSP_BOT))
- {
- if ((topframe->fr_layout == FR_COL && (flags & WSP_VERT) == 0)
- || (topframe->fr_layout == FR_ROW && (flags & WSP_VERT) != 0))
- #else
- if (topframe->fr_layout == FR_COL)
- #endif
- {
- curfrp = topframe->fr_child;
- if (flags & WSP_BOT)
- while (curfrp->fr_next != NULL)
- curfrp = curfrp->fr_next;
- }
- else
- curfrp = topframe;
- before = (flags & WSP_TOP);
- }
- else
- {
- curfrp = oldwin->w_frame;
- if (flags & WSP_BELOW)
- before = FALSE;
- else if (flags & WSP_ABOVE)
- before = TRUE;
- else
- if (flags & WSP_VERT)
- before = !p_spr;
- else
- #endif
- before = !p_sb;
- }
- if (curfrp->fr_parent == NULL || curfrp->fr_parent->fr_layout != layout)
- {
- /* Need to create a new frame in the tree to make a branch. */
- frp = (frame_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(frame_T));
- *frp = *curfrp;
- curfrp->fr_layout = layout;
- frp->fr_parent = curfrp;
- frp->fr_next = NULL;
- frp->fr_prev = NULL;
- curfrp->fr_child = frp;
- curfrp->fr_win = NULL;
- curfrp = frp;
- if (frp->fr_win != NULL)
- oldwin->w_frame = frp;
- else
- for (frp = frp->fr_child; frp != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- frp->fr_parent = curfrp;
- }
- if (newwin == NULL)
- {
- /* Create a frame for the new window. */
- frp = (frame_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(frame_T));
- frp->fr_layout = FR_LEAF;
- frp->fr_win = wp;
- wp->w_frame = frp;
- }
- else
- frp = newwin->w_frame;
- frp->fr_parent = curfrp->fr_parent;
- /* Insert the new frame at the right place in the frame list. */
- if (before)
- frame_insert(curfrp, frp);
- else
- frame_append(curfrp, frp);
- if (flags & WSP_VERT)
- {
- wp->w_p_scr = curwin->w_p_scr;
- if (need_status)
- {
- --oldwin->w_height;
- oldwin->w_status_height = need_status;
- }
- if (flags & (WSP_TOP | WSP_BOT))
- {
- /* set height and row of new window to full height */
- wp->w_winrow = 0;
- wp->w_height = curfrp->fr_height - (p_ls > 0);
- wp->w_status_height = (p_ls > 0);
- }
- else
- {
- /* height and row of new window is same as current window */
- wp->w_winrow = oldwin->w_winrow;
- wp->w_height = oldwin->w_height;
- wp->w_status_height = oldwin->w_status_height;
- }
- frp->fr_height = curfrp->fr_height;
- /* "new_size" of the current window goes to the new window, use
- * one column for the vertical separator */
- wp->w_width = new_size;
- if (before)
- wp->w_vsep_width = 1;
- else
- {
- wp->w_vsep_width = oldwin->w_vsep_width;
- oldwin->w_vsep_width = 1;
- }
- if (flags & (WSP_TOP | WSP_BOT))
- {
- if (flags & WSP_BOT)
- frame_add_vsep(curfrp);
- /* Set width of neighbor frame */
- frame_new_width(curfrp, curfrp->fr_width
- - (new_size + ((flags & WSP_TOP) != 0)), flags & WSP_TOP);
- }
- else
- oldwin->w_width -= new_size + 1;
- if (before) /* new window left of current one */
- {
- wp->w_wincol = oldwin->w_wincol;
- oldwin->w_wincol += new_size + 1;
- }
- else /* new window right of current one */
- wp->w_wincol = oldwin->w_wincol + oldwin->w_width + 1;
- frame_fix_width(oldwin);
- frame_fix_width(wp);
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- /* width and column of new window is same as current window */
- if (flags & (WSP_TOP | WSP_BOT))
- {
- wp->w_wincol = 0;
- wp->w_width = Columns;
- wp->w_vsep_width = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- wp->w_wincol = oldwin->w_wincol;
- wp->w_width = oldwin->w_width;
- wp->w_vsep_width = oldwin->w_vsep_width;
- }
- frp->fr_width = curfrp->fr_width;
- #endif
- /* "new_size" of the current window goes to the new window, use
- * one row for the status line */
- win_new_height(wp, new_size);
- if (flags & (WSP_TOP | WSP_BOT))
- frame_new_height(curfrp, curfrp->fr_height
- - (new_size + STATUS_HEIGHT), flags & WSP_TOP);
- else
- win_new_height(oldwin, oldwin_height - (new_size + STATUS_HEIGHT));
- if (before) /* new window above current one */
- {
- wp->w_winrow = oldwin->w_winrow;
- wp->w_status_height = STATUS_HEIGHT;
- oldwin->w_winrow += wp->w_height + STATUS_HEIGHT;
- }
- else /* new window below current one */
- {
- wp->w_winrow = oldwin->w_winrow + oldwin->w_height + STATUS_HEIGHT;
- wp->w_status_height = oldwin->w_status_height;
- oldwin->w_status_height = STATUS_HEIGHT;
- }
- if (flags & WSP_BOT)
- frame_add_statusline(curfrp);
- #endif
- frame_fix_height(wp);
- frame_fix_height(oldwin);
- }
- if (flags & (WSP_TOP | WSP_BOT))
- (void)win_comp_pos();
- /*
- * Both windows need redrawing
- */
- redraw_win_later(wp, NOT_VALID);
- wp->w_redr_status = TRUE;
- redraw_win_later(oldwin, NOT_VALID);
- oldwin->w_redr_status = TRUE;
- if (need_status)
- {
- msg_row = Rows - 1;
- msg_col = sc_col;
- msg_clr_eos(); /* Old command/ruler may still be there -- webb */
- comp_col();
- msg_row = Rows - 1;
- msg_col = 0; /* put position back at start of line */
- }
- /*
- * make the new window the current window and redraw
- */
- if (do_equal || dir != 0)
- win_equal(wp,
- (flags & WSP_VERT) ? (dir == 'v' ? 'b' : 'h')
- : dir == 'h' ? 'b' :
- #endif
- 'v');
- /* Don't change the window height/width to 'winheight' / 'winwidth' if a
- * size was given. */
- if (flags & WSP_VERT)
- {
- i = p_wiw;
- if (size != 0)
- p_wiw = size;
- # ifdef FEAT_GUI
- /* When 'guioptions' includes 'L' or 'R' may have to add scrollbars. */
- if (gui.in_use)
- gui_init_which_components(NULL);
- # endif
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- i = p_wh;
- if (size != 0)
- p_wh = size;
- }
- win_enter(wp, FALSE);
- if (flags & WSP_VERT)
- p_wiw = i;
- else
- #endif
- p_wh = i;
- return OK;
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_WINDOWS */
- /*
- * Return minimal height for window "wp" and windows east of it.
- * Takes into account the eastbound windws can be split, each of them
- * requireing p_wmh lines. Doesn't count status lines.
- */
- static int
- win_minheight(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- int minheight = p_wmh;
- int n;
- win_T *wp1, *wp2;
- wp1 = wp;
- for (;;)
- {
- wp1 = wp1->w_next;
- if (wp1 == NULL)
- break;
- n = p_wmh;
- wp2 = wp1;
- for (;;)
- {
- wp2 = wp2->w_next;
- if (wp2 == NULL)
- break;
- n += win_minheight(wp2);
- }
- if (n > minheight)
- minheight = n;
- }
- return minheight;
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Check if "win" is a pointer to an existing window.
- */
- int
- win_valid(win)
- win_T *win;
- {
- win_T *wp;
- if (win == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
- if (wp == win)
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Return the number of windows.
- */
- int
- win_count()
- {
- win_T *wp;
- int count = 0;
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
- ++count;
- return count;
- }
- /*
- * Make "count" windows on the screen.
- * Return actual number of windows on the screen.
- * Must be called when there is just one window, filling the whole screen
- * (excluding the command line).
- */
- int
- make_windows(count, vertical)
- int count;
- int vertical; /* split windows vertically if TRUE */
- {
- int maxcount;
- int todo;
- if (vertical)
- {
- /* Each windows needs at least 'winminwidth' lines and a separator
- * column. */
- maxcount = (curwin->w_width + curwin->w_vsep_width
- - (p_wiw - p_wmw)) / (p_wmw + 1);
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- /* Each window needs at least 'winminheight' lines and a status line. */
- maxcount = (curwin->w_height + curwin->w_status_height
- - (p_wh - p_wmh)) / (p_wmh + STATUS_HEIGHT);
- }
- if (maxcount < 2)
- maxcount = 2;
- if (count > maxcount)
- count = maxcount;
- /*
- * add status line now, otherwise first window will be too big
- */
- if (count > 1)
- last_status(TRUE);
- /*
- * Don't execute autocommands while creating the windows. Must do that
- * when putting the buffers in the windows.
- */
- ++autocmd_busy;
- #endif
- /* todo is number of windows left to create */
- for (todo = count - 1; todo > 0; --todo)
- if (vertical)
- {
- if (win_split(curwin->w_width - (curwin->w_width - todo)
- / (todo + 1) - 1, WSP_VERT | WSP_ABOVE) == FAIL)
- break;
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- if (win_split(curwin->w_height - (curwin->w_height - todo
- * STATUS_HEIGHT) / (todo + 1)
- break;
- }
- --autocmd_busy;
- #endif
- /* return actual number of windows */
- return (count - todo);
- }
- /*
- * Exchange current and next window
- */
- static void
- win_exchange(Prenum)
- long Prenum;
- {
- frame_T *frp;
- frame_T *frp2;
- win_T *wp;
- win_T *wp2;
- int temp;
- if (lastwin == firstwin) /* just one window */
- {
- beep_flush();
- return;
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- /*
- * find window to exchange with
- */
- if (Prenum)
- {
- frp = curwin->w_frame->fr_parent->fr_child;
- while (frp != NULL && --Prenum > 0)
- frp = frp->fr_next;
- }
- else if (curwin->w_frame->fr_next != NULL) /* Swap with next */
- frp = curwin->w_frame->fr_next;
- else /* Swap last window in row/col with previous */
- frp = curwin->w_frame->fr_prev;
- /* We can only exchange a window with another window, not with a frame
- * containing windows. */
- if (frp == NULL || frp->fr_win == NULL || frp->fr_win == curwin)
- return;
- wp = frp->fr_win;
- /*
- * 1. remove curwin from the list. Remember after which window it was in wp2
- * 2. insert curwin before wp in the list
- * if wp != wp2
- * 3. remove wp from the list
- * 4. insert wp after wp2
- * 5. exchange the status line height and vsep width.
- */
- wp2 = curwin->w_prev;
- frp2 = curwin->w_frame->fr_prev;
- if (wp->w_prev != curwin)
- {
- win_remove(curwin);
- frame_remove(curwin->w_frame);
- win_append(wp->w_prev, curwin);
- frame_insert(frp, curwin->w_frame);
- }
- if (wp != wp2)
- {
- win_remove(wp);
- frame_remove(wp->w_frame);
- win_append(wp2, wp);
- if (frp2 == NULL)
- frame_insert(wp->w_frame->fr_parent->fr_child, wp->w_frame);
- else
- frame_append(frp2, wp->w_frame);
- }
- temp = curwin->w_status_height;
- curwin->w_status_height = wp->w_status_height;
- wp->w_status_height = temp;
- temp = curwin->w_vsep_width;
- curwin->w_vsep_width = wp->w_vsep_width;
- wp->w_vsep_width = temp;
- /* If the windows are not in the same frame, exchange the sizes to avoid
- * messing up the window layout. Otherwise fix the frame sizes. */
- if (curwin->w_frame->fr_parent != wp->w_frame->fr_parent)
- {
- temp = curwin->w_height;
- curwin->w_height = wp->w_height;
- wp->w_height = temp;
- temp = curwin->w_width;
- curwin->w_width = wp->w_width;
- wp->w_width = temp;
- }
- else
- {
- frame_fix_height(curwin);
- frame_fix_height(wp);
- frame_fix_width(curwin);
- frame_fix_width(wp);
- }
- #endif
- (void)win_comp_pos(); /* recompute window positions */
- win_enter(wp, TRUE);
- redraw_later(CLEAR);
- }
- /*
- * rotate windows: if upwards TRUE the second window becomes the first one
- * if upwards FALSE the first window becomes the second one
- */
- static void
- win_rotate(upwards, count)
- int upwards;
- int count;
- {
- win_T *wp1;
- win_T *wp2;
- frame_T *frp;
- int n;
- if (firstwin == lastwin) /* nothing to do */
- {
- beep_flush();
- return;
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- /* Check if all frames in this row/col have one window. */
- for (frp = curwin->w_frame->fr_parent->fr_child; frp != NULL;
- frp = frp->fr_next)
- if (frp->fr_win == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_("E443: Cannot rotate when another window is split"));
- return;
- }
- #endif
- while (count--)
- {
- if (upwards) /* first window becomes last window */
- {
- /* remove first window/frame from the list */
- frp = curwin->w_frame->fr_parent->fr_child;
- wp1 = frp->fr_win;
- win_remove(wp1);
- frame_remove(frp);
- /* find last frame and append removed window/frame after it */
- for ( ; frp->fr_next != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- ;
- win_append(frp->fr_win, wp1);
- frame_append(frp, wp1->w_frame);
- wp2 = frp->fr_win; /* previously last window */
- }
- else /* last window becomes first window */
- {
- /* find last window/frame in the list and remove it */
- for (frp = curwin->w_frame; frp->fr_next != NULL;
- frp = frp->fr_next)
- ;
- wp1 = frp->fr_win;
- wp2 = wp1->w_prev; /* will become last window */
- win_remove(wp1);
- frame_remove(frp);
- /* append the removed window/frame before the first in the list */
- win_append(frp->fr_parent->fr_child->fr_win->w_prev, wp1);
- frame_insert(frp->fr_parent->fr_child, frp);
- }
- /* exchange status height and vsep width of old and new last window */
- n = wp2->w_status_height;
- wp2->w_status_height = wp1->w_status_height;
- wp1->w_status_height = n;
- frame_fix_height(wp1);
- frame_fix_height(wp2);
- n = wp2->w_vsep_width;
- wp2->w_vsep_width = wp1->w_vsep_width;
- wp1->w_vsep_width = n;
- frame_fix_width(wp1);
- frame_fix_width(wp2);
- #endif
- /* recompute w_winrow and w_wincol for all windows */
- (void)win_comp_pos();
- }
- redraw_later(CLEAR);
- }
- /*
- * Move the current window to the very top/bottom/left/right of the screen.
- */
- static void
- win_totop(size, flags)
- int size;
- int flags;
- {
- int dir;
- if (lastwin == firstwin)
- {
- beep_flush();
- return;
- }
- /* Remove the window and frame from the tree of frames. */
- (void)winframe_remove(curwin, &dir);
- win_remove(curwin);
- (void)win_comp_pos();
- /* Split a window on the right side and put the window there. */
- (void)win_split_ins(size, flags, curwin, dir);
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && defined(FEAT_VERTSPLIT)
- /* When 'guioptions' includes 'L' or 'R' may have to remove or add
- * scrollbars. */
- if (gui.in_use)
- gui_init_which_components(NULL);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Move window "win1" to below/right of "win2" and make "win1" the current
- * window. Only works within the same frame!
- */
- void
- win_move_after(win1, win2)
- win_T *win1, *win2;
- {
- int height;
- /* check if the arguments are reasonable */
- if (win1 == win2)
- return;
- /* check if there is something to do */
- if (win2->w_next != win1)
- {
- /* may need move the status line/vertical separator of the last window
- * */
- if (win1 == lastwin)
- {
- height = win1->w_prev->w_status_height;
- win1->w_prev->w_status_height = win1->w_status_height;
- win1->w_status_height = height;
- win1->w_prev->w_vsep_width = 0;
- win1->w_vsep_width = 1;
- #endif
- }
- else if (win2 == lastwin)
- {
- height = win1->w_status_height;
- win1->w_status_height = win2->w_status_height;
- win2->w_status_height = height;
- win2->w_vsep_width = 1;
- win1->w_vsep_width = 0;
- #endif
- }
- win_remove(win1);
- frame_remove(win1->w_frame);
- win_append(win2, win1);
- frame_append(win2->w_frame, win1->w_frame);
- (void)win_comp_pos(); /* recompute w_winrow for all windows */
- redraw_later(NOT_VALID);
- }
- win_enter(win1, FALSE);
- }
- /*
- * Make all windows the same height.
- * 'next_curwin' will soon be the current window, make sure it has enough
- * rows.
- */
- void
- win_equal(next_curwin, dir)
- win_T *next_curwin; /* pointer to current window to be or NULL */
- int dir; /* 'v' for vertically, 'h' for horizontally,
- 'b' for both, 0 for using p_ead */
- {
- if (dir == 0)
- dir = *p_ead;
- #else
- dir = 'b';
- #endif
- win_equal_rec(next_curwin == NULL ? curwin : next_curwin, topframe, dir,
- 0, 0, (int)Columns, topframe->fr_height);
- }
- /*
- * Set a frame to a new position and height, spreading the available room
- * equally over contained frames.
- * The window "next_curwin" (if not NULL) should at least get the size from
- * 'winheight' and 'winwidth' if possible.
- */
- static void
- win_equal_rec(next_curwin, topfr, dir, col, row, width, height)
- win_T *next_curwin; /* pointer to current window to be or NULL */
- frame_T *topfr; /* frame to set size off */
- int dir; /* 'v', 'h' or 'b', see win_equal() */
- int col; /* horizontal position for frame */
- int row; /* vertical position for frame */
- int width; /* new width of frame */
- int height; /* new height of frame */
- {
- int n, m;
- int extra_sep = 0;
- int wincount, totwincount = 0;
- frame_T *fr;
- int next_curwin_size = 0;
- int room = 0;
- int new_size;
- int quickfix_height = 0;
- int preview_height = 0;
- #endif
- int has_next_curwin = 0;
- int hnc;
- if (topfr->fr_layout == FR_LEAF)
- {
- /* Set the width/height of this frame.
- * Redraw when size or position changes */
- if (topfr->fr_height != height || topfr->fr_win->w_winrow != row
- || topfr->fr_width != width || topfr->fr_win->w_wincol != col
- #endif
- )
- {
- topfr->fr_win->w_winrow = row;
- frame_new_height(topfr, height, FALSE);
- topfr->fr_win->w_wincol = col;
- frame_new_width(topfr, width, FALSE);
- #endif
- redraw_all_later(CLEAR);
- }
- }
- else if (topfr->fr_layout == FR_ROW)
- {
- topfr->fr_width = width;
- topfr->fr_height = height;
- if (dir != 'v') /* equalize frame widths */
- {
- /* Compute the maximum number of windows horizontally in this
- * frame. */
- n = frame_minwidth(topfr, NOWIN);
- /* add one for the rightmost window, it doesn't have a separator */
- if (col + width == Columns)
- extra_sep = 1;
- else
- extra_sep = 0;
- totwincount = (n + extra_sep) / (p_wmw + 1);
- /* Compute room available for windows other than "next_curwin" */
- m = frame_minwidth(topfr, next_curwin);
- room = width - m;
- if (room < 0)
- {
- next_curwin_size = p_wiw + room;
- room = 0;
- }
- else if (n == m) /* doesn't contain curwin */
- next_curwin_size = 0;
- else
- {
- next_curwin_size = (room + p_wiw + (totwincount - 1) * p_wmw
- + (totwincount - 1)) / totwincount;
- if (next_curwin_size > p_wiw)
- room -= next_curwin_size - p_wiw;
- else
- next_curwin_size = p_wiw;
- }
- if (n != m)
- --totwincount; /* don't count curwin */
- }
- for (fr = topfr->fr_child; fr != NULL; fr = fr->fr_next)
- {
- n = m = 0;
- wincount = 1;
- if (fr->fr_next == NULL)
- /* last frame gets all that remains (avoid roundoff error) */
- new_size = width;
- else if (dir == 'v')
- new_size = fr->fr_width;
- else
- {
- /* Compute the maximum number of windows horiz. in "fr". */
- n = frame_minwidth(fr, NOWIN);
- wincount = (n + (fr->fr_next == NULL ? extra_sep : 0))
- / (p_wmw + 1);
- m = frame_minwidth(fr, next_curwin);
- if (n != m) /* don't count next_curwin */
- --wincount;
- new_size = (wincount * room + ((unsigned)totwincount >> 1))
- / totwincount;
- if (n != m) /* add next_curwin size */
- {
- next_curwin_size -= p_wiw - (m - n);
- new_size += next_curwin_size;
- }
- }
- win_equal_rec(next_curwin, fr, dir, col, row, new_size + n, height);
- col += new_size + n;
- width -= new_size + n;
- if (n != m) /* contains curwin */
- room -= new_size - next_curwin_size;
- else
- room -= new_size;
- totwincount -= wincount;
- }
- }
- #endif
- else /* topfr->fr_layout == FR_COL */
- {
- topfr->fr_width = width;
- #endif
- topfr->fr_height = height;
- if (dir != 'h') /* equalize frame heights */
- {
- /* Compute maximum number of windows vertically in this frame. */
- n = frame_minheight(topfr, NOWIN);
- /* add one for the bottom window if it doesn't have a statusline */
- if (row + height == cmdline_row && p_ls == 0)
- extra_sep = 1;
- else
- extra_sep = 0;
- totwincount = (n + extra_sep) / (p_wmh + 1);
- has_next_curwin = frame_has_win(topfr, next_curwin);
- /*
- * Compute height for "next_curwin" window and room available for
- * other windows.
- * "m" is the minimal height when counting p_wh for "next_curwin".
- */
- m = frame_minheight(topfr, next_curwin);
- room = height - m;
- if (room < 0)
- {
- /* The room is less then 'winheight', use all space for the
- * current window. */
- next_curwin_size = p_wh + room;
- room = 0;
- }
- else
- {
- next_curwin_size = -1;
- for (fr = topfr->fr_child; fr != NULL; fr = fr->fr_next)
- {
- /* The quickfix and preview window keep their height if
- * possible.
- * Watch out for this window being the next_curwin. */
- if (fr->fr_win != NULL
- && (bt_quickfix(fr->fr_win->w_buffer)
- || fr->fr_win->w_p_pvw))
- {
- new_size = fr->fr_height;
- if (fr->fr_win == next_curwin)
- {
- room += p_wh - p_wmh;
- next_curwin_size = 0;
- if (new_size < p_wh)
- new_size = p_wh;
- }
- else
- --totwincount;
- room -= new_size - p_wmh - fr->fr_win->w_status_height;
- if (room < 0)
- {
- new_size += room;
- room = 0;
- }
- if (fr->fr_win->w_p_pvw)
- preview_height = new_size;
- else
- quickfix_height = new_size;
- }
- }
- if (next_curwin_size == -1)
- #endif
- {
- if (!has_next_curwin)
- next_curwin_size = 0;
- else if (totwincount > 1
- && (room + (totwincount - 2))
- / (totwincount - 1) > p_wh)
- {
- next_curwin_size = (room + p_wh + totwincount * p_wmh
- + (totwincount - 1)) / totwincount;
- room -= next_curwin_size - p_wh;
- }
- else
- next_curwin_size = p_wh;
- }
- }
- if (has_next_curwin)
- --totwincount; /* don't count curwin */
- }
- for (fr = topfr->fr_child; fr != NULL; fr = fr->fr_next)
- {
- n = m = 0;
- wincount = 1;
- if (fr->fr_next == NULL)
- /* last frame gets all that remains (avoid roundoff error) */
- new_size = height;
- else if (dir == 'h')
- new_size = fr->fr_height;
- else if (fr->fr_win != NULL && bt_quickfix(fr->fr_win->w_buffer))
- {
- new_size = quickfix_height;
- wincount = 0; /* doesn't count as a sizeable window */
- }
- else if (fr->fr_win != NULL && fr->fr_win->w_p_pvw)
- {
- new_size = preview_height;
- wincount = 0; /* doesn't count as a sizeable window */
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- /* Compute the maximum number of windows vert. in "fr". */
- n = frame_minheight(fr, NOWIN);
- wincount = (n + (fr->fr_next == NULL ? extra_sep : 0))
- / (p_wmh + 1);
- m = frame_minheight(fr, next_curwin);
- if (has_next_curwin)
- hnc = frame_has_win(fr, next_curwin);
- else
- hnc = FALSE;
- if (hnc) /* don't count next_curwin */
- --wincount;
- if (totwincount == 0)
- new_size = room;
- else
- new_size = (wincount * room + ((unsigned)totwincount >> 1))
- / totwincount;
- if (hnc) /* add next_curwin size */
- {
- next_curwin_size -= p_wh - (m - n);
- new_size += next_curwin_size;
- room -= new_size - next_curwin_size;
- }
- else
- room -= new_size;
- new_size += n;
- }
- win_equal_rec(next_curwin, fr, dir, col, row, width, new_size);
- row += new_size;
- height -= new_size;
- totwincount -= wincount;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * close all windows for buffer 'buf'
- */
- void
- close_windows(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- win_T *win;
- ++RedrawingDisabled;
- for (win = firstwin; win != NULL && lastwin != firstwin; )
- {
- if (win->w_buffer == buf)
- {
- win_close(win, FALSE);
- win = firstwin; /* go back to the start */
- }
- else
- win = win->w_next;
- }
- --RedrawingDisabled;
- }
- /*
- * close window "win"
- * If "free_buf" is TRUE related buffer may be unloaded.
- *
- * called by :quit, :close, :xit, :wq and findtag()
- */
- void
- win_close(win, free_buf)
- win_T *win;
- int free_buf;
- {
- win_T *wp;
- int other_buffer = FALSE;
- #endif
- int close_curwin = FALSE;
- frame_T *frp;
- int dir;
- int help_window = FALSE;
- if (lastwin == firstwin)
- {
- EMSG(_("E444: Cannot close last window"));
- return;
- }
- /* When closing the help window, try restoring a snapshot after closing
- * the window. Otherwise clear the snapshot, it's now invalid. */
- if (win->w_buffer->b_help)
- help_window = TRUE;
- else
- clear_snapshot();
- if (win == curwin)
- {
- /*
- * Guess which window is going to be the new current window.
- * This may change because of the autocommands (sigh).
- */
- wp = frame2win(win_altframe(win));
- /*
- * Be careful: If autocommands delete the window, return now.
- */
- if (wp->w_buffer != curbuf)
- {
- other_buffer = TRUE;
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFLEAVE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- if (!win_valid(win) || firstwin == lastwin)
- return;
- }
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINLEAVE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- if (!win_valid(win) || firstwin == lastwin)
- return;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Close the link to the buffer.
- */
- close_buffer(win, win->w_buffer, free_buf ? DOBUF_UNLOAD : 0);
- /* Autocommands may have closed the window already, or closed the only
- * other window. */
- if (!win_valid(win) || firstwin == lastwin)
- return;
- /* reduce the reference count to the argument list. */
- alist_unlink(curwin->w_alist);
- /* remove the window and its frame from the tree of frames. */
- frp = win->w_frame;
- wp = winframe_remove(win, &dir);
- vim_free(frp);
- win_free(win);
- /* Make sure curwin isn't invalid. It can cause severe trouble when
- * printing an error message. For win_equal() curbuf needs to be valid
- * too. */
- if (win == curwin)
- {
- curwin = wp;
- if (wp->w_p_pvw || bt_quickfix(wp->w_buffer))
- {
- /*
- * When the cursor goes to the preview or the quickfix window, try
- * finding another window to go to.
- */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (wp->w_next == NULL)
- wp = firstwin;
- else
- wp = wp->w_next;
- if (wp == curwin)
- break;
- if (!wp->w_p_pvw && !bt_quickfix(wp->w_buffer))
- {
- curwin = wp;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- curbuf = curwin->w_buffer;
- close_curwin = TRUE;
- }
- if (p_ea)
- win_equal(curwin,
- dir
- #else
- 0
- #endif
- );
- else
- win_comp_pos();
- if (close_curwin)
- {
- win_enter_ext(wp, FALSE, TRUE);
- if (other_buffer)
- /* careful: after this wp and win may be invalid! */
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * if last window has a status line now and we don't want one,
- * remove the status line
- */
- last_status(FALSE);
- /* After closing the help window, try restoring the window layout from
- * before it was opened. */
- if (help_window)
- restore_snapshot(close_curwin);
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI) && defined(FEAT_VERTSPLIT)
- /* When 'guioptions' includes 'L' or 'R' may have to remove scrollbars. */
- if (gui.in_use && !win_hasvertsplit())
- gui_init_which_components(NULL);
- #endif
- redraw_all_later(NOT_VALID);
- }
- /*
- * Remove a window and its frame from the tree of frames.
- * Returns a pointer to the window that got the freed up space.
- */
- static win_T *
- winframe_remove(win, dirp)
- win_T *win;
- int *dirp; /* set to 'v' or 'h' for direction if 'ea' */
- {
- frame_T *frp, *frp2, *frp3;
- frame_T *frp_close = win->w_frame;
- win_T *wp;
- /*
- * Remove the window from its frame.
- */
- frp2 = win_altframe(win);
- wp = frame2win(frp2);
- /* Remove this frame from the list of frames. */
- frame_remove(frp_close);
- /* If rows/columns go to a window below/right its positions need to be
- * updated. */
- if (frp2 == frp_close->fr_next)
- {
- int row = win->w_winrow;
- int col = W_WINCOL(win);
- frame_comp_pos(frp2, &row, &col);
- }
- if (frp_close->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_COL)
- {
- #endif
- int old_height = 0;
- /* For a preview or quickfix window, remember its old size and restore
- * it later (it's a simplistic solution...). Don't do this if the
- * window will occupy the full height of the screen. */
- if (frp2->fr_win != NULL
- && (frp2->fr_next != NULL
- || frp2->fr_prev != NULL)
- && (frp2->fr_win->w_p_pvw
- || bt_quickfix(frp2->fr_win->w_buffer)))
- old_height = frp2->fr_win->w_height;
- #endif
- frame_new_height(frp2, frp2->fr_height + frp_close->fr_height,
- frp2 == frp_close->fr_next ? TRUE : FALSE);
- if (old_height != 0)
- win_setheight_win(old_height, frp2->fr_win);
- #endif
- *dirp = 'v';
- }
- else
- {
- frame_new_width(frp2, frp2->fr_width + frp_close->fr_width,
- frp2 == frp_close->fr_next ? TRUE : FALSE);
- *dirp = 'h';
- }
- #endif
- if (frp2->fr_next == NULL && frp2->fr_prev == NULL)
- {
- /* There is no other frame in this list, move its info to the parent
- * and remove it. */
- frp2->fr_parent->fr_layout = frp2->fr_layout;
- frp2->fr_parent->fr_child = frp2->fr_child;
- for (frp = frp2->fr_child; frp != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- frp->fr_parent = frp2->fr_parent;
- frp2->fr_parent->fr_win = frp2->fr_win;
- if (frp2->fr_win != NULL)
- frp2->fr_win->w_frame = frp2->fr_parent;
- frp = frp2->fr_parent;
- vim_free(frp2);
- frp2 = frp->fr_parent;
- if (frp2 != NULL && frp2->fr_layout == frp->fr_layout)
- {
- /* The frame above the parent has the same layout, have to merge
- * the frames into this list. */
- if (frp2->fr_child == frp)
- frp2->fr_child = frp->fr_child;
- frp->fr_child->fr_prev = frp->fr_prev;
- if (frp->fr_prev != NULL)
- frp->fr_prev->fr_next = frp->fr_child;
- for (frp3 = frp->fr_child; ; frp3 = frp3->fr_next)
- {
- frp3->fr_parent = frp2;
- if (frp3->fr_next == NULL)
- {
- frp3->fr_next = frp->fr_next;
- if (frp->fr_next != NULL)
- frp->fr_next->fr_prev = frp3;
- break;
- }
- }
- vim_free(frp);
- }
- }
- return wp;
- }
- /*
- * Find out which frame is going to get the freed up space when "win" is
- * closed.
- * if 'splitbelow'/'splitleft' the space goes to the window above/left.
- * if 'nosplitbelow'/'nosplitleft' the space goes to the window below/right.
- * This makes opening a window and closing it immediately keep the same window
- * layout.
- */
- static frame_T *
- win_altframe(win)
- win_T *win;
- {
- frame_T *frp;
- int b;
- frp = win->w_frame;
- if (frp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_ROW)
- b = p_spr;
- else
- #endif
- b = p_sb;
- if ((!b && frp->fr_next != NULL) || frp->fr_prev == NULL)
- return frp->fr_next;
- return frp->fr_prev;
- }
- /*
- * Find the left-upper window in frame "frp".
- */
- static win_T *
- frame2win(frp)
- frame_T *frp;
- {
- while (frp->fr_win == NULL)
- frp = frp->fr_child;
- return frp->fr_win;
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE if frame "frp" contains window "wp".
- */
- static int
- frame_has_win(frp, wp)
- frame_T *frp;
- win_T *wp;
- {
- frame_T *p;
- if (frp->fr_layout == FR_LEAF)
- return frp->fr_win == wp;
- for (p = frp->fr_child; p != NULL; p = p->fr_next)
- if (frame_has_win(p, wp))
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- /*
- * Set a new height for a frame. Recursively sets the height for contained
- * frames and windows. Caller must take care of positions.
- */
- static void
- frame_new_height(topfrp, height, topfirst)
- frame_T *topfrp;
- int height;
- int topfirst; /* resize topmost contained frame first */
- {
- frame_T *frp;
- int extra_lines;
- int h;
- if (topfrp->fr_win != NULL)
- {
- /* Simple case: just one window. */
- win_new_height(topfrp->fr_win,
- height - topfrp->fr_win->w_status_height);
- }
- else if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_ROW)
- {
- /* All frames in this row get the same new height. */
- for (frp = topfrp->fr_child; frp != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- frame_new_height(frp, height, topfirst);
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- /* Complicated case: Resize a column of frames. Resize the bottom
- * frame first, frames above that when needed. */
- frp = topfrp->fr_child;
- if (!topfirst)
- /* Find the bottom frame of this column */
- while (frp->fr_next != NULL)
- frp = frp->fr_next;
- extra_lines = height - topfrp->fr_height;
- if (extra_lines < 0)
- {
- /* reduce frame height, bottom frame first */
- while (frp != NULL)
- {
- h = frame_minheight(frp, NULL);
- if (frp->fr_height + extra_lines < h)
- {
- extra_lines += frp->fr_height - h;
- frame_new_height(frp, h, topfirst);
- }
- else
- {
- frame_new_height(frp, frp->fr_height + extra_lines,
- topfirst);
- break;
- }
- if (topfirst)
- frp = frp->fr_next;
- else
- frp = frp->fr_prev;
- }
- }
- else if (extra_lines > 0)
- {
- /* increase height of bottom or top frame */
- frame_new_height(frp, frp->fr_height + extra_lines, topfirst);
- }
- }
- topfrp->fr_height = height;
- }
- /*
- * Add a status line to windows at the bottom of "frp".
- * Note: Does not check if there is room!
- */
- static void
- frame_add_statusline(frp)
- frame_T *frp;
- {
- win_T *wp;
- if (frp->fr_layout == FR_LEAF)
- {
- wp = frp->fr_win;
- if (wp->w_status_height == 0)
- {
- if (wp->w_height > 0) /* don't make it negative */
- --wp->w_height;
- wp->w_status_height = STATUS_HEIGHT;
- }
- }
- else if (frp->fr_layout == FR_ROW)
- {
- /* Handle all the frames in the row. */
- for (frp = frp->fr_child; frp != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- frame_add_statusline(frp);
- }
- else /* frp->fr_layout == FR_COL */
- {
- /* Only need to handle the last frame in the column. */
- for (frp = frp->fr_child; frp->fr_next != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- ;
- frame_add_statusline(frp);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Set width of a frame. Handles recursively going through contained frames.
- * May remove separator line for windows at the right side (for win_close()).
- */
- static void
- frame_new_width(topfrp, width, leftfirst)
- frame_T *topfrp;
- int width;
- int leftfirst; /* resize leftmost contained frame first */
- {
- frame_T *frp;
- int extra_cols;
- int w;
- win_T *wp;
- if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_LEAF)
- {
- /* Simple case: just one window. */
- wp = topfrp->fr_win;
- /* Find out if there are any windows right of this one. */
- for (frp = topfrp; frp->fr_parent != NULL; frp = frp->fr_parent)
- if (frp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_ROW && frp->fr_next != NULL)
- break;
- if (frp->fr_parent == NULL)
- wp->w_vsep_width = 0;
- win_new_width(wp, width - wp->w_vsep_width);
- }
- else if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_COL)
- {
- /* All frames in this column get the same new width. */
- for (frp = topfrp->fr_child; frp != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- frame_new_width(frp, width, leftfirst);
- }
- else /* fr_layout == FR_ROW */
- {
- /* Complicated case: Resize a row of frames. Resize the rightmost
- * frame first, frames left of it when needed. */
- /* Find the rightmost frame of this row */
- frp = topfrp->fr_child;
- if (!leftfirst)
- while (frp->fr_next != NULL)
- frp = frp->fr_next;
- extra_cols = width - topfrp->fr_width;
- if (extra_cols < 0)
- {
- /* reduce frame width, rightmost frame first */
- while (frp != NULL)
- {
- w = frame_minwidth(frp, NULL);
- if (frp->fr_width + extra_cols < w)
- {
- extra_cols += frp->fr_width - w;
- frame_new_width(frp, w, leftfirst);
- }
- else
- {
- frame_new_width(frp, frp->fr_width + extra_cols, leftfirst);
- break;
- }
- if (leftfirst)
- frp = frp->fr_next;
- else
- frp = frp->fr_prev;
- }
- }
- else if (extra_cols > 0)
- {
- /* increase width of rightmost frame */
- frame_new_width(frp, frp->fr_width + extra_cols, leftfirst);
- }
- }
- topfrp->fr_width = width;
- }
- /*
- * Add the vertical separator to windows at the right side of "frp".
- * Note: Does not check if there is room!
- */
- static void
- frame_add_vsep(frp)
- frame_T *frp;
- {
- win_T *wp;
- if (frp->fr_layout == FR_LEAF)
- {
- wp = frp->fr_win;
- if (wp->w_vsep_width == 0)
- {
- if (wp->w_width > 0) /* don't make it negative */
- --wp->w_width;
- wp->w_vsep_width = 1;
- }
- }
- else if (frp->fr_layout == FR_COL)
- {
- /* Handle all the frames in the column. */
- for (frp = frp->fr_child; frp != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- frame_add_vsep(frp);
- }
- else /* frp->fr_layout == FR_ROW */
- {
- /* Only need to handle the last frame in the row. */
- frp = frp->fr_child;
- while (frp->fr_next != NULL)
- frp = frp->fr_next;
- frame_add_vsep(frp);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Set frame width from the window it contains.
- */
- static void
- frame_fix_width(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- wp->w_frame->fr_width = wp->w_width + wp->w_vsep_width;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Set frame height from the window it contains.
- */
- static void
- frame_fix_height(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- wp->w_frame->fr_height = wp->w_height + wp->w_status_height;
- }
- /*
- * Compute the minimal height for frame "topfrp".
- * Uses the 'winminheight' option.
- * When "next_curwin" isn't NULL, use p_wh for this window.
- * When "next_curwin" is NOWIN, don't use at least one line for the current
- * window.
- */
- static int
- frame_minheight(topfrp, next_curwin)
- frame_T *topfrp;
- win_T *next_curwin;
- {
- frame_T *frp;
- int m;
- int n;
- #endif
- if (topfrp->fr_win != NULL)
- {
- if (topfrp->fr_win == next_curwin)
- m = p_wh + topfrp->fr_win->w_status_height;
- else
- {
- /* window: minimal height of the window plus status line */
- m = p_wmh + topfrp->fr_win->w_status_height;
- /* Current window is minimal one line high */
- if (p_wmh == 0 && topfrp->fr_win == curwin && next_curwin == NULL)
- ++m;
- }
- }
- else if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_ROW)
- {
- /* get the minimal height from each frame in this row */
- m = 0;
- for (frp = topfrp->fr_child; frp != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- {
- n = frame_minheight(frp, next_curwin);
- if (n > m)
- m = n;
- }
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- /* Add up the minimal heights for all frames in this column. */
- m = 0;
- for (frp = topfrp->fr_child; frp != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- m += frame_minheight(frp, next_curwin);
- }
- return m;
- }
- /*
- * Compute the minimal width for frame "topfrp".
- * When "next_curwin" isn't NULL, use p_wiw for this window.
- * When "next_curwin" is NOWIN, don't use at least one column for the current
- * window.
- */
- static int
- frame_minwidth(topfrp, next_curwin)
- frame_T *topfrp;
- win_T *next_curwin; /* use p_wh and p_wiw for next_curwin */
- {
- frame_T *frp;
- int m, n;
- if (topfrp->fr_win != NULL)
- {
- if (topfrp->fr_win == next_curwin)
- m = p_wiw + topfrp->fr_win->w_vsep_width;
- else
- {
- /* window: minimal width of the window plus separator column */
- m = p_wmw + topfrp->fr_win->w_vsep_width;
- /* Current window is minimal one column wide */
- if (p_wmw == 0 && topfrp->fr_win == curwin && next_curwin == NULL)
- ++m;
- }
- }
- else if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_COL)
- {
- /* get the minimal width from each frame in this column */
- m = 0;
- for (frp = topfrp->fr_child; frp != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- {
- n = frame_minwidth(frp, next_curwin);
- if (n > m)
- m = n;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Add up the minimal widths for all frames in this row. */
- m = 0;
- for (frp = topfrp->fr_child; frp != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- m += frame_minwidth(frp, next_curwin);
- }
- return m;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Try to close all windows except current one.
- * Buffers in the other windows become hidden if 'hidden' is set, or '!' is
- * used and the buffer was modified.
- *
- * Used by ":bdel" and ":only".
- */
- void
- close_others(message, forceit)
- int message;
- int forceit; /* always hide all other windows */
- {
- win_T *wp;
- win_T *nextwp;
- int r;
- if (lastwin == firstwin)
- {
- if (message
- && !autocmd_busy
- #endif
- )
- MSG(_("Already only one window"));
- return;
- }
- /* Be very careful here: autocommands may change the window layout. */
- for (wp = firstwin; win_valid(wp); wp = nextwp)
- {
- nextwp = wp->w_next;
- if (wp != curwin) /* don't close current window */
- {
- /* Check if it's allowed to abandon this window */
- r = can_abandon(wp->w_buffer, forceit);
- if (!win_valid(wp)) /* autocommands messed wp up */
- {
- nextwp = firstwin;
- continue;
- }
- #endif
- if (!r)
- {
- #if defined(FEAT_GUI_DIALOG) || defined(FEAT_CON_DIALOG)
- if (message && (p_confirm || cmdmod.confirm))
- {
- dialog_changed(wp->w_buffer, FALSE);
- if (!win_valid(wp)) /* autocommands messed wp up */
- {
- nextwp = firstwin;
- continue;
- }
- #endif
- }
- if (bufIsChanged(wp->w_buffer))
- #endif
- continue;
- }
- win_close(wp, !P_HID(wp->w_buffer) && !bufIsChanged(wp->w_buffer));
- }
- }
- /*
- * If current window has a status line and we don't want one,
- * remove the status line.
- */
- if (lastwin != firstwin)
- EMSG(_("E445: Other window contains changes"));
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_WINDOWS */
- /*
- * init the cursor in the window
- *
- * called when a new file is being edited
- */
- void
- win_init(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- redraw_win_later(wp, NOT_VALID);
- wp->w_lines_valid = 0;
- wp->w_cursor.lnum = 1;
- wp->w_curswant = wp->w_cursor.col = 0;
- wp->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
- #endif
- wp->w_pcmark.lnum = 1; /* pcmark not cleared but set to line 1 */
- wp->w_pcmark.col = 0;
- wp->w_prev_pcmark.lnum = 0;
- wp->w_prev_pcmark.col = 0;
- wp->w_topline = 1;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- wp->w_topfill = 0;
- #endif
- wp->w_botline = 2;
- #ifdef FEAT_FKMAP
- if (curwin->w_p_rl)
- wp->w_farsi = W_CONV + W_R_L;
- else
- wp->w_farsi = W_CONV;
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Allocate the first window and put an empty buffer in it.
- * Called from main().
- * When this fails we can't do anything: exit.
- */
- void
- win_alloc_first()
- {
- curwin = win_alloc(NULL);
- curbuf = buflist_new(NULL, NULL, 1L, BLN_LISTED);
- if (curwin == NULL || curbuf == NULL)
- mch_exit(0);
- curwin->w_buffer = curbuf;
- curbuf->b_nwindows = 1; /* there is one window */
- curwin->w_alist = &global_alist;
- #endif
- win_init(curwin); /* init current window */
- topframe = (frame_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(frame_T));
- if (topframe == NULL)
- mch_exit(0);
- topframe->fr_layout = FR_LEAF;
- topframe->fr_width = Columns;
- #endif
- topframe->fr_height = Rows - p_ch;
- topframe->fr_win = curwin;
- curwin->w_frame = topframe;
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Go to another window.
- * When jumping to another buffer, stop Visual mode. Do this before
- * changing windows so we can yank the selection into the '*' register.
- * When jumping to another window on the same buffer, adjust its cursor
- * position to keep the same Visual area.
- */
- void
- win_goto(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_CMDWIN
- if (cmdwin_type != 0)
- {
- beep_flush();
- return;
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_VISUAL
- if (wp->w_buffer != curbuf)
- reset_VIsual_and_resel();
- else if (VIsual_active)
- wp->w_cursor = curwin->w_cursor;
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- need_mouse_correct = TRUE;
- #endif
- win_enter(wp, TRUE);
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_PERL) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Find window number "winnr" (counting top to bottom).
- */
- win_T *
- win_find_nr(winnr)
- int winnr;
- {
- win_T *wp;
- # ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
- if (--winnr == 0)
- break;
- return wp;
- # else
- return curwin;
- # endif
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Move to window above or below "count" times.
- */
- static void
- win_goto_ver(up, count)
- int up; /* TRUE to go to win above */
- long count;
- {
- frame_T *fr;
- frame_T *nfr;
- frame_T *foundfr;
- foundfr = curwin->w_frame;
- while (count--)
- {
- /*
- * First go upwards in the tree of frames until we find a upwards or
- * downwards neighbor.
- */
- fr = foundfr;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (fr == topframe)
- goto end;
- if (up)
- nfr = fr->fr_prev;
- else
- nfr = fr->fr_next;
- if (fr->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_COL && nfr != NULL)
- break;
- fr = fr->fr_parent;
- }
- /*
- * Now go downwards to find the bottom or top frame in it.
- */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (nfr->fr_layout == FR_LEAF)
- {
- foundfr = nfr;
- break;
- }
- fr = nfr->fr_child;
- if (nfr->fr_layout == FR_ROW)
- {
- /* Find the frame at the cursor row. */
- while (fr->fr_next != NULL
- && frame2win(fr)->w_wincol + fr->fr_width
- <= curwin->w_wincol + curwin->w_wcol)
- fr = fr->fr_next;
- }
- if (nfr->fr_layout == FR_COL && up)
- while (fr->fr_next != NULL)
- fr = fr->fr_next;
- nfr = fr;
- }
- }
- end:
- if (foundfr != NULL)
- win_goto(foundfr->fr_win);
- }
- /*
- * Move to left or right window.
- */
- static void
- win_goto_hor(left, count)
- int left; /* TRUE to go to left win */
- long count;
- {
- frame_T *fr;
- frame_T *nfr;
- frame_T *foundfr;
- foundfr = curwin->w_frame;
- while (count--)
- {
- /*
- * First go upwards in the tree of frames until we find a left or
- * right neighbor.
- */
- fr = foundfr;
- for (;;)
- {
- if (fr == topframe)
- goto end;
- if (left)
- nfr = fr->fr_prev;
- else
- nfr = fr->fr_next;
- if (fr->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_ROW && nfr != NULL)
- break;
- fr = fr->fr_parent;
- }
- /*
- * Now go downwards to find the leftmost or rightmost frame in it.
- */
- for (;;)
- {
- if (nfr->fr_layout == FR_LEAF)
- {
- foundfr = nfr;
- break;
- }
- fr = nfr->fr_child;
- if (nfr->fr_layout == FR_COL)
- {
- /* Find the frame at the cursor row. */
- while (fr->fr_next != NULL
- && frame2win(fr)->w_winrow + fr->fr_height
- <= curwin->w_winrow + curwin->w_wrow)
- fr = fr->fr_next;
- }
- if (nfr->fr_layout == FR_ROW && left)
- while (fr->fr_next != NULL)
- fr = fr->fr_next;
- nfr = fr;
- }
- }
- end:
- if (foundfr != NULL)
- win_goto(foundfr->fr_win);
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Make window "wp" the current window.
- */
- void
- win_enter(wp, undo_sync)
- win_T *wp;
- int undo_sync;
- {
- win_enter_ext(wp, undo_sync, FALSE);
- }
- /*
- * Make window wp the current window.
- * Can be called with "curwin_invalid" TRUE, which means that curwin has just
- * been closed and isn't valid.
- */
- static void
- win_enter_ext(wp, undo_sync, curwin_invalid)
- win_T *wp;
- int undo_sync;
- int curwin_invalid;
- {
- int other_buffer = FALSE;
- #endif
- if (wp == curwin && !curwin_invalid) /* nothing to do */
- return;
- if (!curwin_invalid)
- {
- /*
- * Be careful: If autocommands delete the window, return now.
- */
- if (wp->w_buffer != curbuf)
- {
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFLEAVE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- other_buffer = TRUE;
- if (!win_valid(wp))
- return;
- }
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINLEAVE, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- if (!win_valid(wp))
- return;
- }
- #endif
- /* sync undo before leaving the current buffer */
- if (undo_sync && curbuf != wp->w_buffer)
- u_sync();
- /* may have to copy the buffer options when 'cpo' contains 'S' */
- if (wp->w_buffer != curbuf)
- buf_copy_options(wp->w_buffer, BCO_ENTER | BCO_NOHELP);
- if (!curwin_invalid)
- {
- prevwin = curwin; /* remember for CTRL-W p */
- curwin->w_redr_status = TRUE;
- }
- curwin = wp;
- curbuf = wp->w_buffer;
- check_cursor();
- if (!virtual_active())
- curwin->w_cursor.coladd = 0;
- #endif
- changed_line_abv_curs(); /* assume cursor position needs updating */
- if (curwin->w_localdir != NULL)
- {
- /* Window has a local directory: Save current directory as global
- * directory (unless that was done already) and change to the local
- * directory. */
- if (globaldir == NULL)
- {
- char_u cwd[MAXPATHL];
- if (mch_dirname(cwd, MAXPATHL) == OK)
- globaldir = vim_strsave(cwd);
- }
- mch_chdir((char *)curwin->w_localdir);
- shorten_fnames(TRUE);
- }
- else if (globaldir != NULL)
- {
- /* Window doesn't have a local directory and we are not in the global
- * directory: Change to the global directory. */
- mch_chdir((char *)globaldir);
- vim_free(globaldir);
- globaldir = NULL;
- shorten_fnames(TRUE);
- }
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_WINENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- if (other_buffer)
- apply_autocmds(EVENT_BUFENTER, NULL, NULL, FALSE, curbuf);
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_TITLE
- maketitle();
- #endif
- curwin->w_redr_status = TRUE;
- if (restart_edit)
- redraw_later(VALID); /* causes status line redraw */
- /* set window height to desired minimal value */
- if (curwin->w_height < p_wh)
- win_setheight((int)p_wh);
- /* set window width to desired minimal value */
- if (curwin->w_width < p_wiw)
- win_setwidth((int)p_wiw);
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
- setmouse(); /* in case jumped to/from help buffer */
- #endif
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_WINDOWS */
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(FEAT_SIGNS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Jump to the first open window that contains buffer buf if one exists
- * TODO: Alternatively jump to last open window? Dependent from 'splitbelow'?
- * Returns pointer to window if it exists, otherwise NULL.
- */
- win_T *
- buf_jump_open_win(buf)
- buf_T *buf;
- {
- # ifdef FEAT_WINDOWS
- win_T *wp;
- for (wp = firstwin; wp; wp = wp->w_next)
- if (wp->w_buffer == buf)
- break;
- if (wp != NULL)
- win_enter(wp, FALSE);
- return wp;
- # else
- if (curwin->w_buffer == buf)
- return curwin;
- return NULL;
- # endif
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * allocate a window structure and link it in the window list
- */
- static win_T *
- win_alloc(after)
- win_T *after;
- {
- win_T *newwin;
- /*
- * allocate window structure and linesizes arrays
- */
- newwin = (win_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(win_T));
- if (newwin != NULL && win_alloc_lines(newwin) == FAIL)
- {
- vim_free(newwin);
- newwin = NULL;
- }
- if (newwin != NULL)
- {
- /*
- * link the window in the window list
- */
- win_append(after, newwin);
- #endif
- newwin->w_wincol = 0;
- newwin->w_width = Columns;
- #endif
- /* position the display and the cursor at the top of the file. */
- newwin->w_topline = 1;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- newwin->w_topfill = 0;
- #endif
- newwin->w_botline = 2;
- newwin->w_cursor.lnum = 1;
- newwin->w_scbind_pos = 1;
- #endif
- /* We won't calculate w_fraction until resizing the window */
- newwin->w_fraction = 0;
- newwin->w_prev_fraction_row = -1;
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- if (gui.in_use)
- {
- gui_create_scrollbar(&newwin->w_scrollbars[SBAR_LEFT],
- SBAR_LEFT, newwin);
- gui_create_scrollbar(&newwin->w_scrollbars[SBAR_RIGHT],
- SBAR_RIGHT, newwin);
- }
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- var_init(&newwin->w_vars); /* init internal variables */
- #endif
- foldInitWin(newwin);
- #endif
- }
- return newwin;
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * remove window 'wp' from the window list and free the structure
- */
- static void
- win_free(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- int i;
- #ifdef FEAT_PERL
- perl_win_free(wp);
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_PYTHON
- python_window_free(wp);
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_TCL
- tcl_window_free(wp);
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_RUBY
- ruby_window_free(wp);
- #endif
- clear_winopt(&wp->w_onebuf_opt);
- clear_winopt(&wp->w_allbuf_opt);
- #ifdef FEAT_EVAL
- var_clear(&wp->w_vars); /* free all internal variables */
- #endif
- if (prevwin == wp)
- prevwin = NULL;
- win_free_lsize(wp);
- for (i = 0; i < wp->w_tagstacklen; ++i)
- vim_free(wp->w_tagstack[i].tagname);
- vim_free(wp->w_localdir);
- vim_free(wp->w_match.regprog);
- #endif
- free_jumplist(wp);
- #endif
- #ifdef FEAT_GUI
- if (gui.in_use)
- {
- gui_mch_destroy_scrollbar(&wp->w_scrollbars[SBAR_LEFT]);
- gui_mch_destroy_scrollbar(&wp->w_scrollbars[SBAR_RIGHT]);
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_GUI */
- win_remove(wp);
- vim_free(wp);
- }
- /*
- * Append window "wp" in the window list after window "after".
- */
- static void
- win_append(after, wp)
- win_T *after, *wp;
- {
- win_T *before;
- if (after == NULL) /* after NULL is in front of the first */
- before = firstwin;
- else
- before = after->w_next;
- wp->w_next = before;
- wp->w_prev = after;
- if (after == NULL)
- firstwin = wp;
- else
- after->w_next = wp;
- if (before == NULL)
- lastwin = wp;
- else
- before->w_prev = wp;
- }
- /*
- * Remove a window from the window list.
- */
- static void
- win_remove(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- if (wp->w_prev != NULL)
- wp->w_prev->w_next = wp->w_next;
- else
- firstwin = wp->w_next;
- if (wp->w_next != NULL)
- wp->w_next->w_prev = wp->w_prev;
- else
- lastwin = wp->w_prev;
- }
- /*
- * Append frame "frp" in a frame list after frame "after".
- */
- static void
- frame_append(after, frp)
- frame_T *after, *frp;
- {
- frp->fr_next = after->fr_next;
- after->fr_next = frp;
- if (frp->fr_next != NULL)
- frp->fr_next->fr_prev = frp;
- frp->fr_prev = after;
- }
- /*
- * Insert frame "frp" in a frame list before frame "before".
- */
- static void
- frame_insert(before, frp)
- frame_T *before, *frp;
- {
- frp->fr_next = before;
- frp->fr_prev = before->fr_prev;
- before->fr_prev = frp;
- if (frp->fr_prev != NULL)
- frp->fr_prev->fr_next = frp;
- else
- frp->fr_parent->fr_child = frp;
- }
- /*
- * Remove a frame from a frame list.
- */
- static void
- frame_remove(frp)
- frame_T *frp;
- {
- if (frp->fr_prev != NULL)
- frp->fr_prev->fr_next = frp->fr_next;
- else
- frp->fr_parent->fr_child = frp->fr_next;
- if (frp->fr_next != NULL)
- frp->fr_next->fr_prev = frp->fr_prev;
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_WINDOWS */
- /*
- * Allocate w_lines[] for window "wp".
- * Return FAIL for failure, OK for success.
- */
- int
- win_alloc_lines(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- wp->w_lines_valid = 0;
- wp->w_lines = (wline_T *)alloc((unsigned)(Rows * sizeof(wline_T)));
- if (wp->w_lines == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * free lsize arrays for a window
- */
- void
- win_free_lsize(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- vim_free(wp->w_lines);
- wp->w_lines = NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Called from win_new_shellsize() after Rows changed.
- */
- void
- shell_new_rows()
- {
- int h = (int)(Rows - p_ch);
- if (firstwin == NULL) /* not initialized yet */
- return;
- if (h < frame_minheight(topframe, NULL))
- h = frame_minheight(topframe, NULL);
- frame_new_height(topframe, h, FALSE);
- (void)win_comp_pos(); /* recompute w_winrow and w_wincol */
- #else
- if (h < 1)
- h = 1;
- win_new_height(firstwin, h);
- #endif
- compute_cmdrow();
- #if 0
- /* Disabled: don't want making the screen smaller make a window larger. */
- if (p_ea)
- win_equal(curwin, 'v');
- #endif
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_VERTSPLIT) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Called from win_new_shellsize() after Columns changed.
- */
- void
- shell_new_columns()
- {
- if (firstwin == NULL) /* not initialized yet */
- return;
- frame_new_width(topframe, (int)Columns, FALSE);
- (void)win_comp_pos(); /* recompute w_winrow and w_wincol */
- #if 0
- /* Disabled: don't want making the screen smaller make a window larger. */
- if (p_ea)
- win_equal(curwin, 'h');
- #endif
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_CMDWIN) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Save the size of all windows in "gap".
- */
- void
- win_size_save(gap)
- garray_T *gap;
- {
- win_T *wp;
- ga_init2(gap, (int)sizeof(int), 1);
- if (ga_grow(gap, win_count() * 2) == OK)
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
- {
- ((int *)gap->ga_data)[gap->ga_len++] =
- wp->w_width + wp->w_vsep_width;
- ((int *)gap->ga_data)[gap->ga_len++] = wp->w_height;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Restore window sizes, but only if the number of windows is still the same.
- * Does not free the growarray.
- */
- void
- win_size_restore(gap)
- garray_T *gap;
- {
- win_T *wp;
- int i;
- if (win_count() * 2 == gap->ga_len)
- {
- i = 0;
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
- {
- frame_setwidth(wp->w_frame, ((int *)gap->ga_data)[i++]);
- win_setheight_win(((int *)gap->ga_data)[i++], wp);
- }
- /* recompute the window positions */
- (void)win_comp_pos();
- }
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_CMDWIN */
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Update the position for all windows, using the width and height of the
- * frames.
- * Returns the row just after the last window.
- */
- static int
- win_comp_pos()
- {
- int row = 0;
- int col = 0;
- frame_comp_pos(topframe, &row, &col);
- return row;
- }
- /*
- * Update the position of the windows in frame "topfrp", using the width and
- * height of the frames.
- * "*row" and "*col" are the top-left position of the frame. They are updated
- * to the bottom-right position plus one.
- */
- static void
- frame_comp_pos(topfrp, row, col)
- frame_T *topfrp;
- int *row;
- int *col;
- {
- win_T *wp;
- frame_T *frp;
- int startcol;
- int startrow;
- #endif
- wp = topfrp->fr_win;
- if (wp != NULL)
- {
- if (wp->w_winrow != *row
- || wp->w_wincol != *col
- #endif
- )
- {
- /* position changed, redraw */
- wp->w_winrow = *row;
- wp->w_wincol = *col;
- #endif
- redraw_win_later(wp, NOT_VALID);
- wp->w_redr_status = TRUE;
- }
- *row += wp->w_height + wp->w_status_height;
- *col += wp->w_width + wp->w_vsep_width;
- #endif
- }
- else
- {
- startrow = *row;
- startcol = *col;
- #endif
- for (frp = topfrp->fr_child; frp != NULL; frp = frp->fr_next)
- {
- if (topfrp->fr_layout == FR_ROW)
- *row = startrow; /* all frames are at the same row */
- else
- *col = startcol; /* all frames are at the same col */
- #endif
- frame_comp_pos(frp, row, col);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_WINDOWS */
- /*
- * Set current window height and take care of repositioning other windows to
- * fit around it.
- */
- void
- win_setheight(height)
- int height;
- {
- /* Always keep current window at least one line high, even when
- * 'winminheight' is zero. */
- if (height < p_wmh)
- height = p_wmh;
- #endif
- if (height == 0)
- height = 1;
- win_setheight_win(height, curwin);
- }
- /*
- * Set the window height of window "win" and take care of repositioning other
- * windows to fit around it.
- */
- static void
- win_setheight_win(height, win)
- int height;
- win_T *win;
- {
- int row;
- frame_setheight(win->w_frame, height + win->w_status_height);
- /* recompute the window positions */
- row = win_comp_pos();
- #else
- if (height > topframe->fr_height)
- height = topframe->fr_height;
- win->w_height = height;
- row = height;
- #endif
- /*
- * If there is extra space created between the last window and the command
- * line, clear it.
- */
- if (full_screen && msg_scrolled == 0 && row < cmdline_row)
- screen_fill(row, cmdline_row, 0, (int)Columns, ' ', ' ', 0);
- cmdline_row = row;
- msg_row = row;
- msg_col = 0;
- redraw_all_later(NOT_VALID);
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Set the height of a frame to "height" and take care that all frames and
- * windows inside it are resized. Also resize frames on the left and right if
- * the are in the same FR_ROW frame.
- *
- * Strategy:
- * If the frame is part of a FR_COL frame, try fitting the frame in that
- * frame. If that doesn't work (the FR_COL frame is too small), recursively
- * go to containing frames to resize them and make room.
- * If the frame is part of a FR_ROW frame, all frames must be resized as well.
- * Check for the minimal height of the FR_ROW frame.
- * At the top level we can also use change the command line height.
- */
- static void
- frame_setheight(curfrp, height)
- frame_T *curfrp;
- int height;
- {
- int room; /* total number of lines available */
- int take; /* number of lines taken from other windows */
- int room_cmdline; /* lines available from cmdline */
- int run;
- frame_T *frp;
- int h;
- int room_reserved;
- #endif
- /* If the height already is the desired value, nothing to do. */
- if (curfrp->fr_height == height)
- return;
- if (curfrp->fr_parent == NULL)
- {
- /* topframe: can only change the command line */
- if (height > Rows - p_ch)
- height = Rows - p_ch;
- if (height > 0)
- frame_new_height(curfrp, height, FALSE);
- }
- else if (curfrp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_ROW)
- {
- /* Row of frames: Also need to resize frames left and right of this
- * one. First check for the minimal height of these. */
- h = frame_minheight(curfrp->fr_parent, NULL);
- if (height < h)
- height = h;
- frame_setheight(curfrp->fr_parent, height);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Column of frames: try to change only frames in this column.
- */
- /*
- * Do this twice:
- * 1: compute room available, if it's not enough try resizing the
- * containing frame.
- * 2: compute the room available and adjust the height to it.
- * Try not to reduce the height of the quickfix and preview window.
- */
- for (run = 1; run <= 2; ++run)
- #else
- for (;;)
- #endif
- {
- room = 0;
- room_reserved = 0;
- #endif
- for (frp = curfrp->fr_parent->fr_child; frp != NULL;
- frp = frp->fr_next)
- {
- if (frp != curfrp
- && frp->fr_win != NULL
- && (frp->fr_win->w_p_pvw
- || bt_quickfix(frp->fr_win->w_buffer)))
- room_reserved += frp->fr_height;
- #endif
- room += frp->fr_height;
- if (frp != curfrp)
- room -= frame_minheight(frp, NULL);
- }
- if (curfrp->fr_width != Columns)
- room_cmdline = 0;
- else
- #endif
- {
- room_cmdline = Rows - p_ch - (lastwin->w_winrow
- + lastwin->w_height + lastwin->w_status_height);
- if (room_cmdline < 0)
- room_cmdline = 0;
- }
- if (height <= room + room_cmdline)
- break;
- if (run == 2 || curfrp->fr_width == Columns)
- #endif
- {
- if (height > room + room_cmdline)
- height = room + room_cmdline;
- break;
- }
- frame_setheight(curfrp->fr_parent, height
- + frame_minheight(curfrp->fr_parent, NOWIN) - (int)p_wmh - 1);
- #endif
- }
- /*
- * Compute the number of lines we will take from others frames (can be
- * negative!).
- */
- take = height - curfrp->fr_height;
- /* If there is not enough room, also reduce the height of quickfix and
- * preview window. */
- if (height > room + room_cmdline - room_reserved)
- room_reserved = room + room_cmdline - height;
- /* If there is only a quickfix or preview window and making the
- * window smaller, need to make the other window taller. */
- if (take < 0 && room - curfrp->fr_height < room_reserved)
- room_reserved = 0;
- #endif
- if (take > 0 && room_cmdline > 0)
- {
- /* use lines from cmdline first */
- if (take < room_cmdline)
- room_cmdline = take;
- take -= room_cmdline;
- topframe->fr_height += room_cmdline;
- }
- /*
- * set the current frame to the new height
- */
- frame_new_height(curfrp, height, FALSE);
- /*
- * First take lines from the frames after the current frame. If
- * that is not enough, takes lines from frames above the current
- * frame.
- */
- for (run = 0; run < 2; ++run)
- {
- if (run == 0)
- frp = curfrp->fr_next; /* 1st run: start with next window */
- else
- frp = curfrp->fr_prev; /* 2nd run: start with prev window */
- while (frp != NULL && take != 0)
- {
- h = frame_minheight(frp, NULL);
- if (room_reserved > 0
- && frp->fr_win != NULL
- && (frp->fr_win->w_p_pvw
- || bt_quickfix(frp->fr_win->w_buffer)))
- {
- if (room_reserved >= frp->fr_height)
- room_reserved -= frp->fr_height;
- else
- {
- if (frp->fr_height - room_reserved > take)
- room_reserved = frp->fr_height - take;
- take -= frp->fr_height - room_reserved;
- frame_new_height(frp, room_reserved, FALSE);
- room_reserved = 0;
- }
- }
- else
- #endif
- {
- if (frp->fr_height - take < h)
- {
- take -= frp->fr_height - h;
- frame_new_height(frp, h, FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- frame_new_height(frp, frp->fr_height - take, FALSE);
- take = 0;
- }
- }
- if (run == 0)
- frp = frp->fr_next;
- else
- frp = frp->fr_prev;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_VERTSPLIT) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Set current window width and take care of repositioning other windows to
- * fit around it.
- */
- void
- win_setwidth(width)
- int width;
- {
- /* Always keep current window at least one column wide, even when
- * 'winminwidth' is zero. */
- if (width < p_wmw)
- width = p_wmw;
- if (width == 0)
- width = 1;
- frame_setwidth(curwin->w_frame, width + curwin->w_vsep_width);
- /* recompute the window positions */
- (void)win_comp_pos();
- redraw_all_later(NOT_VALID);
- }
- /*
- * Set the width of a frame to "width" and take care that all frames and
- * windows inside it are resized. Also resize frames above and below if the
- * are in the same FR_ROW frame.
- *
- * Strategy is similar to frame_setheight().
- */
- static void
- frame_setwidth(curfrp, width)
- frame_T *curfrp;
- int width;
- {
- int room; /* total number of lines available */
- int take; /* number of lines taken from other windows */
- int run;
- frame_T *frp;
- int w;
- /* If the width already is the desired value, nothing to do. */
- if (curfrp->fr_width == width)
- return;
- if (curfrp->fr_parent == NULL)
- /* topframe: can't change width */
- return;
- if (curfrp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_COL)
- {
- /* Column of frames: Also need to resize frames above and below of
- * this one. First check for the minimal width of these. */
- w = frame_minwidth(curfrp->fr_parent, NULL);
- if (width < w)
- width = w;
- frame_setwidth(curfrp->fr_parent, width);
- }
- else
- {
- /*
- * Row of frames: try to change only frames in this row.
- *
- * Do this twice:
- * 1: compute room available, if it's not enough try resizing the
- * containing frame.
- * 2: compute the room available and adjust the width to it.
- */
- for (run = 1; run <= 2; ++run)
- {
- room = 0;
- for (frp = curfrp->fr_parent->fr_child; frp != NULL;
- frp = frp->fr_next)
- {
- room += frp->fr_width;
- if (frp != curfrp)
- room -= frame_minwidth(frp, NULL);
- }
- if (width <= room)
- break;
- if (run == 2 || curfrp->fr_height >= Rows - p_ch)
- {
- if (width > room)
- width = room;
- break;
- }
- frame_setwidth(curfrp->fr_parent, width
- + frame_minwidth(curfrp->fr_parent, NOWIN) - (int)p_wmw - 1);
- }
- /*
- * Compute the number of lines we will take from others frames (can be
- * negative!).
- */
- take = width - curfrp->fr_width;
- /*
- * set the current frame to the new width
- */
- frame_new_width(curfrp, width, FALSE);
- /*
- * First take lines from the frames right of the current frame. If
- * that is not enough, takes lines from frames left of the current
- * frame.
- */
- for (run = 0; run < 2; ++run)
- {
- if (run == 0)
- frp = curfrp->fr_next; /* 1st run: start with next window */
- else
- frp = curfrp->fr_prev; /* 2nd run: start with prev window */
- while (frp != NULL && take != 0)
- {
- w = frame_minwidth(frp, NULL);
- if (frp->fr_width - take < w)
- {
- take -= frp->fr_width - w;
- frame_new_width(frp, w, FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- frame_new_width(frp, frp->fr_width - take, FALSE);
- take = 0;
- }
- if (run == 0)
- frp = frp->fr_next;
- else
- frp = frp->fr_prev;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_VERTSPLIT */
- /*
- * Check 'winminheight' for a valid value.
- */
- void
- win_setminheight()
- {
- int room;
- int first = TRUE;
- win_T *wp;
- /* loop until there is a 'winminheight' that is possible */
- while (p_wmh > 0)
- {
- /* TODO: handle vertical splits */
- room = -p_wh;
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
- room += wp->w_height - p_wmh;
- if (room >= 0)
- break;
- --p_wmh;
- if (first)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_noroom));
- first = FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- #ifdef FEAT_MOUSE
- /*
- * Status line of curwin is dragged "offset" lines down (negative is up).
- */
- void
- win_drag_status_line(offset)
- int offset;
- {
- frame_T *curfr;
- frame_T *fr;
- int room;
- int row;
- int up; /* if TRUE, drag status line up, otherwise down */
- int n;
- fr = curwin->w_frame;
- curfr = fr;
- if (fr != topframe) /* more than one window */
- {
- fr = fr->fr_parent;
- /* When the parent frame is not a column of frames, its parent should
- * be. */
- if (fr->fr_layout != FR_COL)
- {
- curfr = fr;
- if (fr != topframe) /* only a row of windows, may drag statusline */
- fr = fr->fr_parent;
- }
- }
- /* If this is the last frame in a column, may want to resize the parent
- * frame instead (go two up to skip a row of frames). */
- while (curfr != topframe && curfr->fr_next == NULL)
- {
- if (fr != topframe)
- fr = fr->fr_parent;
- curfr = fr;
- if (fr != topframe)
- fr = fr->fr_parent;
- }
- if (offset < 0) /* drag up */
- {
- up = TRUE;
- offset = -offset;
- /* sum up the room of the current frame and above it */
- if (fr == curfr)
- {
- /* only one window */
- room = fr->fr_height - frame_minheight(fr, NULL);
- }
- else
- {
- room = 0;
- for (fr = fr->fr_child; ; fr = fr->fr_next)
- {
- room += fr->fr_height - frame_minheight(fr, NULL);
- if (fr == curfr)
- break;
- }
- }
- fr = curfr->fr_next; /* put fr at frame that grows */
- }
- else /* drag down */
- {
- up = FALSE;
- /*
- * Only dragging the last status line can reduce p_ch.
- */
- room = Rows - cmdline_row;
- if (curfr->fr_next == NULL)
- room -= 1;
- else
- room -= p_ch;
- if (room < 0)
- room = 0;
- /* sum up the room of frames below of the current one */
- for (fr = curfr->fr_next; fr != NULL; fr = fr->fr_next)
- room += fr->fr_height - frame_minheight(fr, NULL);
- fr = curfr; /* put fr at window that grows */
- }
- if (room < offset) /* Not enough room */
- offset = room; /* Move as far as we can */
- if (offset <= 0)
- return;
- /*
- * Grow frame fr by "offset" lines.
- * Doesn't happen when dragging the last status line up.
- */
- if (fr != NULL)
- frame_new_height(fr, fr->fr_height + offset, up);
- if (up)
- fr = curfr; /* current frame gets smaller */
- else
- fr = curfr->fr_next; /* next frame gets smaller */
- /*
- * Now make the other frames smaller.
- */
- while (fr != NULL && offset > 0)
- {
- n = frame_minheight(fr, NULL);
- if (fr->fr_height - offset <= n)
- {
- offset -= fr->fr_height - n;
- frame_new_height(fr, n, !up);
- }
- else
- {
- frame_new_height(fr, fr->fr_height - offset, !up);
- break;
- }
- if (up)
- fr = fr->fr_prev;
- else
- fr = fr->fr_next;
- }
- row = win_comp_pos();
- screen_fill(row, cmdline_row, 0, (int)Columns, ' ', ' ', 0);
- cmdline_row = row;
- p_ch = Rows - cmdline_row;
- if (p_ch < 1)
- p_ch = 1;
- redraw_all_later(NOT_VALID);
- showmode();
- }
- /*
- * Separator line of curwin is dragged "offset" lines right (negative is left).
- */
- void
- win_drag_vsep_line(offset)
- int offset;
- {
- frame_T *curfr;
- frame_T *fr;
- int room;
- int left; /* if TRUE, drag separator line left, otherwise right */
- int n;
- fr = curwin->w_frame;
- if (fr == topframe) /* only one window (cannot happe?) */
- return;
- curfr = fr;
- fr = fr->fr_parent;
- /* When the parent frame is not a row of frames, its parent should be. */
- if (fr->fr_layout != FR_ROW)
- {
- if (fr == topframe) /* only a column of windows (cannot happen?) */
- return;
- curfr = fr;
- fr = fr->fr_parent;
- }
- /* If this is the last frame in a row, may want to resize a parent
- * frame instead. */
- while (curfr->fr_next == NULL)
- {
- if (fr == topframe)
- break;
- curfr = fr;
- fr = fr->fr_parent;
- if (fr != topframe)
- {
- curfr = fr;
- fr = fr->fr_parent;
- }
- }
- if (offset < 0) /* drag left */
- {
- left = TRUE;
- offset = -offset;
- /* sum up the room of the current frame and left of it */
- room = 0;
- for (fr = fr->fr_child; ; fr = fr->fr_next)
- {
- room += fr->fr_width - frame_minwidth(fr, NULL);
- if (fr == curfr)
- break;
- }
- fr = curfr->fr_next; /* put fr at frame that grows */
- }
- else /* drag right */
- {
- left = FALSE;
- /* sum up the room of frames right of the current one */
- room = 0;
- for (fr = curfr->fr_next; fr != NULL; fr = fr->fr_next)
- room += fr->fr_width - frame_minwidth(fr, NULL);
- fr = curfr; /* put fr at window that grows */
- }
- if (room < offset) /* Not enough room */
- offset = room; /* Move as far as we can */
- if (offset <= 0) /* No room at all, quit. */
- return;
- /* grow frame fr by offset lines */
- frame_new_width(fr, fr->fr_width + offset, left);
- /* shrink other frames: current and at the left or at the right */
- if (left)
- fr = curfr; /* current frame gets smaller */
- else
- fr = curfr->fr_next; /* next frame gets smaller */
- while (fr != NULL && offset > 0)
- {
- n = frame_minwidth(fr, NULL);
- if (fr->fr_width - offset <= n)
- {
- offset -= fr->fr_width - n;
- frame_new_width(fr, n, !left);
- }
- else
- {
- frame_new_width(fr, fr->fr_width - offset, !left);
- break;
- }
- if (left)
- fr = fr->fr_prev;
- else
- fr = fr->fr_next;
- }
- (void)win_comp_pos();
- redraw_all_later(NOT_VALID);
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_VERTSPLIT */
- #endif /* FEAT_MOUSE */
- #endif /* FEAT_WINDOWS */
- /*
- * Set the height of a window.
- * This takes care of the things inside the window, not what happens to the
- * window position, the frame or to other windows.
- */
- static void
- win_new_height(wp, height)
- win_T *wp;
- int height;
- {
- linenr_T lnum;
- int sline, line_size;
- #define FRACTION_MULT 16384L
- /* Don't want a negative height. Happens when splitting a tiny window.
- * Will equalize heights soon to fix it. */
- if (height < 0)
- height = 0;
- if (wp->w_wrow != wp->w_prev_fraction_row && wp->w_height > 0)
- wp->w_fraction = ((long)wp->w_wrow * FRACTION_MULT
- + FRACTION_MULT / 2) / (long)wp->w_height;
- wp->w_height = height;
- wp->w_skipcol = 0;
- /* Don't set w_topline when 'scrollbind' is set and this isn't the current
- * window. */
- if (!wp->w_p_scb || wp == curwin)
- #endif
- {
- lnum = wp->w_cursor.lnum;
- if (lnum < 1) /* can happen when starting up */
- lnum = 1;
- wp->w_wrow = ((long)wp->w_fraction * (long)height - 1L) / FRACTION_MULT;
- line_size = plines_win_col(wp, lnum, (long)(wp->w_cursor.col)) - 1;
- sline = wp->w_wrow - line_size;
- if (sline < 0)
- {
- /*
- * Cursor line would go off top of screen if w_wrow was this high.
- */
- wp->w_wrow = line_size;
- }
- else
- {
- while (sline > 0 && lnum > 1)
- {
- hasFoldingWin(wp, lnum, &lnum, NULL, TRUE, NULL);
- #endif
- --lnum;
- #ifdef FEAT_DIFF
- if (lnum == wp->w_topline)
- line_size = plines_win_nofill(wp, lnum, TRUE)
- + wp->w_topfill;
- else
- #endif
- line_size = plines_win(wp, lnum, TRUE);
- sline -= line_size;
- }
- if (sline < 0)
- {
- /*
- * Line we want at top would go off top of screen. Use next
- * line instead.
- */
- hasFoldingWin(wp, lnum, NULL, &lnum, TRUE, NULL);
- #endif
- lnum++;
- wp->w_wrow -= line_size + sline;
- }
- else if (sline > 0)
- {
- /* First line of file reached, use that as topline. */
- lnum = 1;
- wp->w_wrow -= sline;
- }
- }
- set_topline(wp, lnum);
- }
- if (wp == curwin)
- {
- if (p_so)
- update_topline();
- curs_columns(FALSE); /* validate w_wrow */
- }
- wp->w_prev_fraction_row = wp->w_wrow;
- win_comp_scroll(wp);
- redraw_win_later(wp, NOT_VALID);
- wp->w_redr_status = TRUE;
- #endif
- invalidate_botline_win(wp);
- }
- /*
- * Set the width of a window.
- */
- static void
- win_new_width(wp, width)
- win_T *wp;
- int width;
- {
- wp->w_width = width;
- wp->w_lines_valid = 0;
- changed_line_abv_curs_win(wp);
- invalidate_botline_win(wp);
- if (wp == curwin)
- {
- update_topline();
- curs_columns(TRUE); /* validate w_wrow */
- }
- redraw_win_later(wp, NOT_VALID);
- wp->w_redr_status = TRUE;
- }
- #endif
- void
- win_comp_scroll(wp)
- win_T *wp;
- {
- wp->w_p_scr = ((unsigned)wp->w_height >> 1);
- if (wp->w_p_scr == 0)
- wp->w_p_scr = 1;
- }
- /*
- * command_height: called whenever p_ch has been changed
- */
- void
- command_height(old_p_ch)
- long old_p_ch;
- {
- int h;
- frame_T *frp;
- /* Find bottom frame with width of screen. */
- frp = lastwin->w_frame;
- while (frp->fr_width != Columns && frp->fr_parent != NULL)
- frp = frp->fr_parent;
- #endif
- if (starting != NO_SCREEN)
- {
- cmdline_row = Rows - p_ch;
- if (p_ch > old_p_ch) /* p_ch got bigger */
- {
- while (p_ch > old_p_ch)
- {
- if (frp == NULL)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_noroom));
- p_ch = old_p_ch;
- cmdline_row = Rows - p_ch;
- break;
- }
- h = frp->fr_height - frame_minheight(frp, NULL);
- if (h > p_ch - old_p_ch)
- h = p_ch - old_p_ch;
- old_p_ch += h;
- frame_add_height(frp, -h);
- frp = frp->fr_prev;
- }
- /* Recompute window positions. */
- (void)win_comp_pos();
- /* clear the lines added to cmdline */
- if (full_screen)
- screen_fill((int)(cmdline_row), (int)Rows, 0,
- (int)Columns, ' ', ' ', 0);
- msg_row = cmdline_row;
- redraw_cmdline = TRUE;
- return;
- }
- if (msg_row < cmdline_row)
- msg_row = cmdline_row;
- redraw_cmdline = TRUE;
- }
- frame_add_height(frp, (int)(old_p_ch - p_ch));
- #else
- win_setheight((int)(firstwin->w_height + old_p_ch - p_ch));
- cmdline_row = Rows - p_ch;
- #endif
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Resize frame "frp" to be "n" lines higher (negative for less high).
- * Also resize the frames it is contained in.
- */
- static void
- frame_add_height(frp, n)
- frame_T *frp;
- int n;
- {
- frame_new_height(frp, frp->fr_height + n, FALSE);
- for (;;)
- {
- frp = frp->fr_parent;
- if (frp == NULL)
- break;
- frp->fr_height += n;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Add or remove a status line for the bottom window(s), according to the
- * value of 'laststatus'.
- */
- void
- last_status(morewin)
- int morewin; /* pretend there are two or more windows */
- {
- /* Don't make a difference between horizontal or vertical split. */
- last_status_rec(topframe, (p_ls == 2
- || (p_ls == 1 && (morewin || lastwin != firstwin))));
- }
- static void
- last_status_rec(fr, statusline)
- frame_T *fr;
- int statusline;
- {
- frame_T *fp;
- win_T *wp;
- if (fr->fr_layout == FR_LEAF)
- {
- wp = fr->fr_win;
- if (wp->w_status_height != 0 && !statusline)
- {
- /* remove status line */
- win_new_height(wp, wp->w_height + 1);
- wp->w_status_height = 0;
- comp_col();
- }
- else if (wp->w_status_height == 0 && statusline)
- {
- /* Find a frame to take a line from. */
- fp = fr;
- while (fp->fr_height <= frame_minheight(fp, NULL))
- {
- if (fp == topframe)
- {
- EMSG(_(e_noroom));
- return;
- }
- /* In a column of frames: go to frame above. If already at
- * the top or in a row of frames: go to parent. */
- if (fp->fr_parent->fr_layout == FR_COL && fp->fr_prev != NULL)
- fp = fp->fr_prev;
- else
- fp = fp->fr_parent;
- }
- wp->w_status_height = 1;
- if (fp != fr)
- {
- frame_new_height(fp, fp->fr_height - 1, FALSE);
- frame_fix_height(wp);
- (void)win_comp_pos();
- }
- else
- win_new_height(wp, wp->w_height - 1);
- comp_col();
- redraw_all_later(NOT_VALID);
- }
- }
- else if (fr->fr_layout == FR_ROW)
- {
- /* vertically split windows, set status line for each one */
- for (fp = fr->fr_child; fp != NULL; fp = fp->fr_next)
- last_status_rec(fp, statusline);
- }
- #endif
- else
- {
- /* horizontally split window, set status line for last one */
- for (fp = fr->fr_child; fp->fr_next != NULL; fp = fp->fr_next)
- ;
- last_status_rec(fp, statusline);
- }
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_WINDOWS */
- #if defined(FEAT_SEARCHPATH) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Return the file name under or after the cursor.
- *
- * The 'path' option is searched if the file name is not absolute.
- * The string returned has been alloc'ed and should be freed by the caller.
- * NULL is returned if the file name or file is not found.
- *
- * options:
- * FNAME_MESS give error messages
- * FNAME_EXP expand to path
- * FNAME_HYP check for hypertext link
- * FNAME_INCL apply "includeexpr"
- */
- char_u *
- file_name_at_cursor(options, count)
- int options;
- long count;
- {
- return file_name_in_line(ml_get_curline(),
- curwin->w_cursor.col, options, count, curbuf->b_ffname);
- }
- /*
- * Return the name of the file under or after ptr[col].
- * Otherwise like file_name_at_cursor().
- */
- char_u *
- file_name_in_line(line, col, options, count, rel_fname)
- char_u *line;
- int col;
- int options;
- long count;
- char_u *rel_fname; /* file we are searching relative to */
- {
- char_u *ptr;
- int len;
- /*
- * search forward for what could be the start of a file name
- */
- ptr = line + col;
- while (*ptr != NUL && !vim_isfilec(*ptr))
- ++ptr;
- if (*ptr == NUL) /* nothing found */
- {
- if (options & FNAME_MESS)
- EMSG(_("E446: No file name under cursor"));
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * Search backward for first char of the file name.
- * Go one char back to ":" before "//" even when ':' is not in 'isfname'.
- */
- while (ptr > line)
- {
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte && (len = (*mb_head_off)(line, ptr - 1)) > 0)
- ptr -= len + 1;
- else
- #endif
- if (vim_isfilec(ptr[-1])
- || ((options & FNAME_HYP) && path_is_url(ptr - 1)))
- --ptr;
- else
- break;
- }
- /*
- * Search forward for the last char of the file name.
- * Also allow "://" when ':' is not in 'isfname'.
- */
- len = 0;
- while (vim_isfilec(ptr[len])
- || ((options & FNAME_HYP) && path_is_url(ptr + len)))
- #ifdef FEAT_MBYTE
- if (has_mbyte)
- len += (*mb_ptr2len_check)(ptr + len);
- else
- #endif
- ++len;
- /*
- * If there is trailing punctuation, remove it.
- * But don't remove "..", could be a directory name.
- */
- if (len > 2 && vim_strchr((char_u *)".,:;!", ptr[len - 1]) != NULL
- && ptr[len - 2] != '.')
- --len;
- return find_file_name_in_path(ptr, len, options, count, rel_fname);
- }
- # if defined(FEAT_FIND_ID) && defined(FEAT_EVAL)
- static char_u *eval_includeexpr __ARGS((char_u *ptr, int len));
- static char_u *
- eval_includeexpr(ptr, len)
- char_u *ptr;
- int len;
- {
- char_u *res;
- set_vim_var_string(VV_FNAME, ptr, len);
- res = eval_to_string_safe(curbuf->b_p_inex, NULL);
- set_vim_var_string(VV_FNAME, NULL, 0);
- return res;
- }
- #endif
- /*
- * Return the name of the file ptr[len] in 'path'.
- * Otherwise like file_name_at_cursor().
- */
- char_u *
- find_file_name_in_path(ptr, len, options, count, rel_fname)
- char_u *ptr;
- int len;
- int options;
- long count;
- char_u *rel_fname; /* file we are searching relative to */
- {
- char_u *file_name;
- int c;
- # if defined(FEAT_FIND_ID) && defined(FEAT_EVAL)
- char_u *tofree = NULL;
- if ((options & FNAME_INCL) && *curbuf->b_p_inex != NUL)
- {
- tofree = eval_includeexpr(ptr, len);
- if (tofree != NULL)
- {
- ptr = tofree;
- len = (int)STRLEN(ptr);
- }
- }
- # endif
- if (options & FNAME_EXP)
- {
- file_name = find_file_in_path(ptr, len, options & ~FNAME_MESS,
- TRUE, rel_fname);
- # if defined(FEAT_FIND_ID) && defined(FEAT_EVAL)
- /*
- * If the file could not be found in a normal way, try applying
- * 'includeexpr' (unless done already).
- */
- if (file_name == NULL
- && !(options & FNAME_INCL) && *curbuf->b_p_inex != NUL)
- {
- tofree = eval_includeexpr(ptr, len);
- if (tofree != NULL)
- {
- ptr = tofree;
- len = (int)STRLEN(ptr);
- file_name = find_file_in_path(ptr, len, options & ~FNAME_MESS,
- TRUE, rel_fname);
- }
- }
- # endif
- if (file_name == NULL && (options & FNAME_MESS))
- {
- c = ptr[len];
- ptr[len] = NUL;
- EMSG2(_("E447: Can't find file \"%s\" in path"), ptr);
- ptr[len] = c;
- }
- /* Repeat finding the file "count" times. This matters when it
- * appears several times in the path. */
- while (file_name != NULL && --count > 0)
- {
- vim_free(file_name);
- file_name = find_file_in_path(ptr, len, options, FALSE, rel_fname);
- }
- }
- else
- file_name = vim_strnsave(ptr, len);
- # if defined(FEAT_FIND_ID) && defined(FEAT_EVAL)
- vim_free(tofree);
- # endif
- return file_name;
- }
- #endif /* FEAT_SEARCHPATH */
- /*
- * Check if the "://" of a URL is at the pointer, return URL_SLASH.
- * Also check for ":\\", which MS Internet Explorer accepts, return
- */
- static int
- path_is_url(p)
- char_u *p;
- {
- if (STRNCMP(p, "://", (size_t)3) == 0)
- return URL_SLASH;
- else if (STRNCMP(p, ":\\\\", (size_t)3) == 0)
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Check if "fname" starts with "name://". Return URL_SLASH if it does.
- * Return URL_BACKSLASH for "name:\\".
- * Return zero otherwise.
- */
- int
- path_with_url(fname)
- char_u *fname;
- {
- char_u *p;
- for (p = fname; isalpha(*p); ++p)
- ;
- return path_is_url(p);
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE if "name" is a full (absolute) path name or URL.
- */
- int
- vim_isAbsName(name)
- char_u *name;
- {
- return (path_with_url(name) != 0 || mch_isFullName(name));
- }
- /*
- * Get absolute file name into buffer 'buf' of length 'len' bytes.
- *
- * return FAIL for failure, OK otherwise
- */
- int
- vim_FullName(fname, buf, len, force)
- char_u *fname, *buf;
- int len;
- int force;
- {
- int retval = OK;
- int url;
- *buf = NUL;
- if (fname == NULL)
- return FAIL;
- url = path_with_url(fname);
- if (!url)
- retval = mch_FullName(fname, buf, len, force);
- if (url || retval == FAIL)
- {
- /* something failed; use the file name (truncate when too long) */
- STRNCPY(buf, fname, len);
- buf[len - 1] = NUL;
- }
- #if defined(MACOS_CLASSIC) || defined(OS2) || defined(MSDOS) || defined(MSWIN)
- slash_adjust(buf);
- #endif
- return retval;
- }
- /*
- * Return the minimal number of rows that is needed on the screen to display
- * the current number of windows.
- */
- int
- min_rows()
- {
- win_T *wp;
- #endif
- int total;
- if (firstwin == NULL) /* not initialized yet */
- return MIN_LINES;
- total = 1; /* count the room for the command line */
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
- total += p_wmh + W_STATUS_HEIGHT(wp);
- if (p_wmh == 0)
- #endif
- total += 1; /* at least one window should have a line! */
- return total;
- }
- /*
- * Return TRUE if there is only one window, not counting a help or preview
- * window, unless it is the current window.
- */
- int
- only_one_window()
- {
- int count = 0;
- win_T *wp;
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
- if (!(wp->w_buffer->b_help
- || wp->w_p_pvw
- # endif
- ) || wp == curwin)
- ++count;
- return (count <= 1);
- #else
- return TRUE;
- #endif
- }
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(FEAT_AUTOCMD) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Correct the cursor line number in other windows. Used after changing the
- * current buffer, and before applying autocommands.
- * When "do_curwin" is TRUE, also check current window.
- */
- void
- check_lnums(do_curwin)
- int do_curwin;
- {
- win_T *wp;
- for (wp = firstwin; wp != NULL; wp = wp->w_next)
- if ((do_curwin || wp != curwin) && wp->w_buffer == curbuf)
- #else
- wp = curwin;
- if (do_curwin)
- #endif
- {
- if (wp->w_cursor.lnum > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- wp->w_cursor.lnum = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
- if (wp->w_topline > curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count)
- wp->w_topline = curbuf->b_ml.ml_line_count;
- }
- }
- #endif
- #if defined(FEAT_WINDOWS) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * A snapshot of the window sizes, to restore them after closing the help
- * window.
- * Only these fields are used:
- * fr_layout
- * fr_width
- * fr_height
- * fr_next
- * fr_child
- * fr_win (only valid for the old curwin, NULL otherwise)
- */
- static frame_T *snapshot = NULL;
- /*
- * Create a snapshot of the current frame sizes.
- */
- static void
- make_snapshot()
- {
- clear_snapshot();
- make_snapshot_rec(topframe, &snapshot);
- }
- static void
- make_snapshot_rec(fr, frp)
- frame_T *fr;
- frame_T **frp;
- {
- *frp = (frame_T *)alloc_clear((unsigned)sizeof(frame_T));
- if (*frp == NULL)
- return;
- (*frp)->fr_layout = fr->fr_layout;
- (*frp)->fr_width = fr->fr_width;
- # endif
- (*frp)->fr_height = fr->fr_height;
- if (fr->fr_next != NULL)
- make_snapshot_rec(fr->fr_next, &((*frp)->fr_next));
- if (fr->fr_child != NULL)
- make_snapshot_rec(fr->fr_child, &((*frp)->fr_child));
- if (fr->fr_layout == FR_LEAF && fr->fr_win == curwin)
- (*frp)->fr_win = curwin;
- }
- /*
- * Remove any existing snapshot.
- */
- static void
- clear_snapshot()
- {
- clear_snapshot_rec(snapshot);
- snapshot = NULL;
- }
- static void
- clear_snapshot_rec(fr)
- frame_T *fr;
- {
- if (fr != NULL)
- {
- clear_snapshot_rec(fr->fr_next);
- clear_snapshot_rec(fr->fr_child);
- vim_free(fr);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Restore a previously created snapshot, if there is any.
- * This is only done if the screen size didn't change and the window layout is
- * still the same.
- */
- static void
- restore_snapshot(close_curwin)
- int close_curwin; /* closing current window */
- {
- win_T *wp;
- if (snapshot != NULL
- && snapshot->fr_width == topframe->fr_width
- # endif
- && snapshot->fr_height == topframe->fr_height
- && check_snapshot_rec(snapshot, topframe) == OK)
- {
- wp = restore_snapshot_rec(snapshot, topframe);
- win_comp_pos();
- if (wp != NULL && close_curwin)
- win_goto(wp);
- redraw_all_later(CLEAR);
- }
- clear_snapshot();
- }
- /*
- * Check if frames "sn" and "fr" have the same layout, same following frames
- * and same children.
- */
- static int
- check_snapshot_rec(sn, fr)
- frame_T *sn;
- frame_T *fr;
- {
- if (sn->fr_layout != fr->fr_layout
- || (sn->fr_next == NULL) != (fr->fr_next == NULL)
- || (sn->fr_child == NULL) != (fr->fr_child == NULL)
- || (sn->fr_next != NULL
- && check_snapshot_rec(sn->fr_next, fr->fr_next) == FAIL)
- || (sn->fr_child != NULL
- && check_snapshot_rec(sn->fr_child, fr->fr_child) == FAIL))
- return FAIL;
- return OK;
- }
- /*
- * Copy the size of snapshot frame "sn" to frame "fr". Do the same for all
- * following frames and children.
- * Returns a pointer to the old current window, or NULL.
- */
- static win_T *
- restore_snapshot_rec(sn, fr)
- frame_T *sn;
- frame_T *fr;
- {
- win_T *wp = NULL;
- win_T *wp2;
- fr->fr_height = sn->fr_height;
- fr->fr_width = sn->fr_width;
- # endif
- if (fr->fr_layout == FR_LEAF)
- {
- frame_new_height(fr, fr->fr_height, FALSE);
- frame_new_width(fr, fr->fr_width, FALSE);
- # endif
- wp = sn->fr_win;
- }
- if (sn->fr_next != NULL)
- {
- wp2 = restore_snapshot_rec(sn->fr_next, fr->fr_next);
- if (wp2 != NULL)
- wp = wp2;
- }
- if (sn->fr_child != NULL)
- {
- wp2 = restore_snapshot_rec(sn->fr_child, fr->fr_child);
- if (wp2 != NULL)
- wp = wp2;
- }
- return wp;
- }
- #endif
- #if (defined(FEAT_GUI) && defined(FEAT_VERTSPLIT)) || defined(PROTO)
- /*
- * Return TRUE if there is any vertically split window.
- */
- int
- win_hasvertsplit()
- {
- frame_T *fr;
- if (topframe->fr_layout == FR_ROW)
- return TRUE;
- if (topframe->fr_layout == FR_COL)
- for (fr = topframe->fr_child; fr != NULL; fr = fr->fr_next)
- if (fr->fr_layout == FR_ROW)
- return TRUE;
- return FALSE;
- }
- #endif